Black fly in Chardonnay: how is it ironic?

Or TOWN planning…

I don’t think anyone gives awards from Twon planning in this day and age…

shame, my Twons have always been really well planned!

Here is some of it

I think the irony is created by the fact that Chardonnay is French for fly’s piss.

And is Ed Burne the guy who used to do the routine (with big diagrams) taking the piss out of All Things Bright and Beautiful by explaining it in terms of set theory?

There is at least one proper use of irony in the song (paraphrased):

“As the plane went down, he thought well isn’t this nice?”

That’s irony. Not the type of irony Alanis was singing about, but irony nonetheless. Which is in itself rather ironic.

Also, if we’re generous, a man afraid to fly conquering his fears and crashing on his very first flight could be considered irony.

No defense for the flies, no smoking signs, or traffic jams.

Black fly in Chardonnay: how is it ironic?

Because you ordered a white fly?
Yeah, I know that’s not ironic either but that comment has been running through my head since I saw this thread.
Since Alanis is asking if all this is ironic, perhaps she could have redeemed herself by adding a line at the end of the song, “Isn’t it ironic? Hey, I’m just asking because I have no idea.”

Well, clearly it’s because black flies prefer Merlot.


Bobbing about. Do try and keep up.

On a local radio show iKFOG nterview with Alanis Moronette (sp?), she is now using the excuse that the lack of irony in the song is in itself ironic.

I’ve always thought rain on your wedding day was perhaps the only true example of irony in the song. Rain on your wedding day is a traditional sign of good fortune for the marriage. On the other hand, it’s raining, on your wedding day, which doesn’t tend to do much for the wedding itself.

She wasn’t talking about rain on your wedding day, she CLEARLY said ray-ee-ain on your wedding day.

Ray-ee-ain (raeainne) is a French-Canadian word for “first husband waking up from a coma”.

Give the girl a little credit.