Bloomberg is at it Again (The War on Formula)

So, instead of choosing options that will make it easier for mothers to breastfeed such as better maternity leave, paid maternity leave, encouragement of public breastfeeding, paternity leave, etc, the government plans to berate the poor mothers who may not have many other options. It’s a lot easier to sit on a high horse and be judgmental, and I have no respect for those who take the easy, blind route on an issue that desperately needs real legal action.

Although I plan to breastfeed and will do everything I can to make that happen, I’m also getting formula in case I need it. If you really interested in making sure that my babies stay on my breast as long as possible, then pass laws requiring more paternity leave so I can get some fucking sleep.

Why U want to B Mean to poor kidlet :eek: :smiley:


My brother was bottle fed, he was a preemie [my parents had a picture of him in a shoebox, they wanted to see if he fit] and he is now a 6’2 viking type.

I was breast fed, I had lung issues and digestive issues most of my childhood [more or less until puberty] and I have a couple food allergies and sensitivities which my brother doesn’t have.

Given the choice if all I really knew about was my family, bottle all the way.

You guys from New York better hope he didn’t see “60 Minutes” last night. It turns out that sugar causes health problems.

While I am sometimes on board with Bloomberg’s initiatives and ideas, this to me is just tailor-made material for the right to use against the very idea of regulations of all stripe: the government locking up the formula because it knows what is best for the mother’s baby. Not simply recommending that mothers use their natural breast milk (and supplying the information as to why) but locking up the formula in hospitals so that the choice is removed for the mother. Could a republican strategist concoct a better story?

I agree. When I first heard about Bloomberg’s proposed large soda ban I thought to myself “oh great, I’ll be reading about this in sentences containing the word ‘libs.’” :smack:

I’ve never heard that formula is in any way better, other than it’s harder to digest, so the kid might sleep for a longer period of time. That’s a convenience for the parents, not a benefit for the kid.

The only reason I can think of for rotating would be so that Mom could work outside the home and not have to pump, or not have to pump and save.

However, remember that it’s been more than 30 years since I’ve breastfed, so my info might well be out of date.

QFT. If moms didn’t have to go to work after just a few weeks of bonding, they could nurse for several months, maybe even most of a year. But that would be too friendly towards women, children, and families.

But do you aim to misbehave?

I’n no fan of plenty of Bloomberg’s initiatives, but I think someone did concoct this story. Plenty of news stories talked about locking up the formula and mandatory lectures. First of all, there is mandatory nothing. The whole initiative is voluntary and not every hospital joined. Well ,there is one thing mandatory-hospitals will have to comply with a three-year old state law, the Breastfeeding Bill of Rights, that no one has ever complained about before. There is also no locking up of formula- at least not required by the initiative.

I have a suggestion for “do gooders” like Bloomberg: practice what you preach!
How can I get in on the burgeoning black market for 16 ounce cokes?

Regular or Diet? I can ship you some in from PA, but it’ll cost you.