Book Titles A-Z

C - City On Fire (Don Winslow)

D - Delights and Shadows (Ted Kooser)

E - Everything Sad is Untrue (A True Story) - Daniel Nayeri

F - Fly Girl (Ann Hood)

G - Given to the Sea (Mindy McGinnis)

H - The Hard Sell (Evan Hughes)

I - Interesting Stories For Curious People (Bill O’Neill)

J - The Journalists and the Murderer (Janet Malcolm)

K - Kfor (Shimon Adaf)

L - The Lioness (Chris Bohjalian)

M - Mistaken Identity (Justina Martinez)

N - News of a Kidnapping (Gabriel Garcia Márquez)

O - On the Origin of Species (Charles Darwin)

P - Properties of Thirst (Marianne Wiggins)

Q - Quiet in Her Bones (Nalini Singh)

R - Reign in Hell (William Diehl)

S - The Shadow of the Wind (Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

T - Truly, Madly: Vivien Leigh, Laurence Olivier, and the Romance of the Century (Stephen Galloway)

U - The Underfoot: The Mighty Deep (Ben Fisher and Emily S. Witten)

V - Voice of the Fish (Lars Horn)