Botticelli, Oct. 2022

1. Did you introduce notation (your initial) for a certain mathematical constant?
2. Were you sued by Maila Nurmi, who said that you were infringing her character’s persona–and then later on you yourself claimed the Sabrina the Teenage Witch show was a ripoff of your sitcom pilot, with its two witches and their niece and a talking cat?
3. “In sleep he saaaang to meeee/In dreams he caaaame/That voice which caaaalls to meeee/And speaks my naaaame/And do I dream agaaaain/For noooow I fiiiiiiind”/your better-known epithet “is theeeere/Inside my miiiind”?


  1. Real
  2. Dead
  3. Female
  4. American
  5. Died since 1900
  6. Died after 1950
  7. Known for the arts
  8. Not considered a beauty
  9. White
  10. Last name begins with E
  11. Not known for the performing arts
  12. Not known for politics/military
  13. Won top awards in her field
  14. Known mainly for writing, but not exclusively
  15. Died after 2000
  16. Not known for genre fiction
  17. Greatest fame after 1970
  18. Not a TV personality
  19. Not noted for social activism

#1. Take a DQ. All I’m comin’ up with is Tipper Gore, but that was 2000.
#2. Take a DQ.
#3. I am not Emily Litella.

#1. Take a DQ.
#2. I am not Elvira, Mistress of the Dark (??)
#3. I am not Erik, the Phantom of the Opera.

1 was Leonhard Euler, with e; 2 was correct; 3 was correct.

DQ: known for writing fiction prose?


  1. Real
  2. Dead
  3. Female
  4. American
  5. Died since 1900
  6. Died after 1950
  7. Known for the arts
  8. Not considered a beauty
  9. White
  10. Last name begins with E
  11. Not known for the performing arts
  12. Not known for politics/military
  13. Won top awards in her field
  14. Known mainly for writing, but not exclusively
  15. Died after 2000
  16. Not known for genre fiction
  17. Greatest fame after 1970
  18. Not a TV personality
  19. Not noted for social activism
  20. Known for writing fiction, but not prose

No more IQs please. Please ask all remaining DQs by noon tomorrow EDT.

Previous IQs:

Were you the outspoken wife of a 2004 VP candidate? - John Edwards’s wife Elizabeth
Did you play a very nice teacher in Matilda? - The lovely and talented Embeth Davidtz
Did you rant about things that you hadn’t heard very clearly in the first place? - Yes, Emily Litella on SNL


Won a Pulitzer Prize?
Best known for novels?
Famous husband?


  1. Real
  2. Dead
  3. Female
  4. American
  5. Died since 1900
  6. Died after 1950
  7. Known for the arts
  8. Not considered a beauty
  9. White
  10. Last name begins with E
  11. Not known for the performing arts
  12. Not known for politics/military
  13. Won top awards in her field
  14. Known mainly for writing, but not exclusively
  15. Died after 2000
  16. Not known for genre fiction
  17. Greatest fame after 1970
  18. Not a TV personality
  19. Not noted for social activism
  20. Known for writing fiction, but not prose
  21. Didn’t win a Pulitzer
  22. Known for plays
  23. Did have a famous husband

Please give your final guesses by noon tomorrow, EDT.


  1. Real
  2. Dead
  3. Female
  4. American
  5. Died since 1900
  6. Died after 1950
  7. Known for the arts
  8. Not considered a beauty
  9. White
  10. Last name begins with E
  11. Not known for the performing arts
  12. Not known for politics/military
  13. Won top awards in her field
  14. Known mainly for writing, but not exclusively
  15. Died after 2000
  16. Not known for genre fiction
  17. Greatest fame after 1970
  18. Not a TV personality
  19. Not noted for social activism
  20. Known for writing fiction, but not prose
  21. Didn’t win a Pulitzer
  22. Best known for plays, but also a journalist and novelist
  23. Did have a famous husband


  1. Real
  2. Dead
  3. Female
  4. American
  5. Died since 1900
  6. Died after 1950
  7. Known for the arts
  8. Not considered a beauty
  9. White
  10. Last name begins with E
  11. Not known for the performing arts
  12. Not known for politics/military
  13. Won top awards in her field
  14. Known mainly for writing, but not exclusively
  15. Died after 2000
  16. Not known for genre fiction
  17. Greatest fame after 1970
  18. Not a TV personality
  19. Not noted for social activism
  20. Known for writing fiction, but not prose
  21. Didn’t win a Pulitzer
  22. Best known for screenplays, but also a journalist and novelist
  23. Did have a famous husband

I won’t be on at noon. Extending the deadline to 6 pm EDT today.

I’m stumped.

And I am the author and filmmaker of Sleepless In Seattle, Julie & Julia, You’ve Got Mail and When Harry Met Sally.

Nora Ephron.

Where’s that headsmack emoji when you need it? I was racking my brain thinking of playwrights with an E last-name, and even the screenplay hint didn’t help. Of course, I also forgot she had died, but that probably wouldn’t have helped.

Good one, Prof!


Onward to…

IQ1: Were you the man of 1000 faces?
IQ2: Did you direct Kurt Russell in Escape From New York and Escape From LA?
IQ3: Did you direct 4 installments of a meta-slasher movie franchise?

“Known for writing fiction, but not prose” threw me off.

1. Were you a baseball player nicknamed the “Georgia Peach”, belying your allegedly mean playing style?
2. Did you write Delusions of Grandma?
3. Did you create Bombie the Zombie, relentless pursuer-turned-gameshow contestant?

  1. I am not Lon Chaney, Sr.
  2. I am not John Carpenter.
  3. I am not Wes Craven (??)
  1. I am not Ty Cobb.
    Take 2 DQs.

2 was Carrie Fisher; 3 was Carl Barks.

1. real?
2. female?


  1. Real
  2. Male