Boy Scout offical charged in child pornography case

He was definitely a fascist. No controversy there.

IIRC, they wouldn’t allow gays because to be a Boy Scout one must be “morally straight”, and they consider homosexuality to be immoral. Not because they’re afraid of kiddy diddlers.

“Charged”. :rolleyes:

Not “convicted”. This is America, isn’t it? :dubious:


Unless you mean- “very right wing, conservative and into para-military stuff= fascist”. :dubious:

Scouting was the best part of my youth. Bar none. No religious crap, no pseudo-fascist military bullshit, just a bunch of insane teens who poured kenosene from the lanterns onto their jeans, lit it and ran screaming through the campsite. And had match fights. And played dangerous games with axes and hatchets and knifes. And fire.

It was the 70s, and no one forced religion or patriotism down our throats. We said the Pledge because we had always said it, and when we said the Scout Oath thing, I forget now what it was called, when we got to “morally straight” we just said it, even if we had smuggled in stolen liquor and Hustlers on our last camping trip.

We went camping every month. We went to Scout camp every summer. I was on Scout camp staff for three years running. I got fired the middle of my second year there for taking dope and generally being a fuckup, but they took me back the next year.

I repeat, never not once was religion or patriotism or moral value crap pushed down our throats. The leaders were volunteers who loved Scouting and loved us, and we loved them. To this day some of them are my role models. And they smoked cigarettes and talked about women some, but they were great role models nonetheless. And not just within my own troop. This was statewide. We interacted plenty with other troops and other councils year-round. Sure there was a freak or two who marched his kids around everywhere, but we all felt sorry for those kids.

It has always broken my heart that Scouting has been taken over by moral fascists. It has the potential to do so much good. It did for me: it might have even saved my life, for real. I hate what Scouting has become, and I wish that this shit would all go away so kids could get back to what’s really important: burning shit up and having hatchet-throwing contests and snipe hunts and shit.

Thanks for listening.

Scouting is still pretty good at the troop level–one of the results of the organization being pretty loose. The main problems come from the fucking idiots at National.

debates I recall involved concerns about camping types of stuff, comparisons w/ "you wouldn’t want to send a man to chaperone girl scouts, or a woman chaperoning boy scouts. Obviously YMVs

Yeah, I’m gonna have to agree with:

  1. We don’t know what this guy actually did. We just know he has been charged with downloading child porn.

  2. The Boy Scouts aren’t hypocrites at all over this.

  3. The reason the Scouts (stupidly) have rules against gays is based on moral and religious reasons, not pedophile reasons.

Same here. I really think the Boy Scouts are important and I wish they would get their act together.

Ask Michael Jackson, Robert Blake, and O.J. Simpson.

That was the official reason, but they had a lot of people arguing for their position based on the pedophilia angle.

I believe his lawyer his said he intends to plead guilty.

I said the founder of the scouting movement was a fascist.


He also praised Mussolini.

In a word, no.

Don’t worry. We just got fed up and quit. Except for his kids. Man. I pitied them.

Yeah, I realize, n = 2, but still…

I was fondled one night by my Scout Master…he tried to pass it off as a joke, but…Got me out of Scouting right quick.

It is a tragedy that this has happened, and I do hope that this man only went so far as to download, not go any further. But I wonder if a person will speak up now that he is outted. Hopefully not. But will it be a boy or a girl?

The gay stance by the BSA is their legal right, but it sure does backfire when something like this happens because people start throwing around terms like irony and hypocrisy and see it coming…. I hope the numbers dwindle and BSA dies, only to be born-again (punny) into a more tolerant organization that follows the spirit of what they can do for people.

Unfortunately the main problem here is that, yet again, pedophile = homosexual because of what he did, and what they are against. If you say hypocrisy, then you are pushing that association. It is wrong and vile, but that is what people will see now, and possibly use to bolster BSA’s stance. “Homosexuality is wrong and BSA has assisted the police in apprehending this Pedophile! See, we try to protect our children, but these people can trick us all.”


Sorry- sample size = 1, not 2. (For those of you not statistically inclined or slightly tipsy like myself, this means it is my story and opinion).

Exactly, and Soul Brother, you could have been writing about my experiences with the Scouts. It was all just camping and good times and trying to keep our minds on something besides girls. The only time religion came up in the scouts for me was during my Eagle Board of Review (Them: “Do you believe in God?” Me: “Uh, yeah, sure.” Them: “Great, you’re in.”)

I have considered turning in my Eagle badge (as others have done), but I know scouts are still doing good things on the troop level…

Ah, so you mean that being deluded by the Fascists pre-war means you were a Fascist. :rolleyes: :dubious:

Many people were- Prime Minister Chamberlain for example. Before the war, there was little thought that Fascism was all that Evil. “Lucky” Lindberg was also fooled by the Fascists. If you call everyone who was fooled by them a “Fascist”, that’d be likely more than half of the worlds leaders in Government & Industry.

Stalin was also fooled by Hitler- was even Hitlers ally. Was Stalin a “fascist”?

This is rich (from NY Times):