Breathe deep the gathering gloom

Watch lights fade from every room.

RIP Mike Pinder of the Moody Blues

My brother was a big Moodies fan growing up (his level of fandom was very curious to me, as he was a suburban midwestern American teen in the 1990s). He sent me a link to the announcement as soon as it came out. He also posted on Facebook about how he got to spend some time with Pinder at some lecture tour in the 90s, and “realized he was a Jedi.” Also found him to be just a really nice guy.

I of course had to comment that I wanted to make a “Go Now” joke but it was too soon. He appreciated it nonetheless.

All I can feel is how it affects me. We need more mellotron!

Days of Future Passed is one of the greatest albums ever.

RIP, Mike. :pensive:

Life Is Just A Simple Game

I wore the grooves off “This Is The Moody Blues” a compilation album released after the Mike Pinder era closed. His songs “Simple Game”, “Melancholy Man”, and "Have You Heard? (Part 1) / “The Voyage” / Have You Heard? (Part 2) were highlights, On vinyl, the four sides had a real epic flow with, for example, Side 2 opening with “In The Beginning”/“Lovely To See You” and ending with HYH1 / Voyage / HYH2

I saw this news yesterday and was tempted to post about it.

I’ve looked at this thread a few times, I just now noticed it should be “breathe.”

How embarrassing!

I’ve seen the Moodies perform many times over the years, but only once with Pinder (March, 1972, in Boston).

Hearing “Isn’t Life Strange” always made my late wife cry.

I was unwittingly thrust into fandom when my dad caught a strong Moody Blues phase around then.

But we decide which is right.

Looks like the title has been fixed. :wink:

which is an illusion.

RIP :pensive: I’m a big fan of the Moodies, especially the 7 “core” albums that he was an irreplaceable part of.

No. There was no ending “e” in breathe in the original title.

Saw the Moodies around ~1990 and was impressed at how energetic those old guys were on stage. The contrast between them and the opening band - Chicago - was stark.

Isn’t the original title “Late Lament?”

One of the few times my Dad said of a rock song “He has a good voice”. Jim Morrison doing “Touch me” on Sullivan was the only other time I recall.

Love the Mellotron yet they rely on magnetic tape, are rather delicate and hard to move. The Moog took their place quite easily and if you hear a Mellotron part live (Moodies, Yes, Genesis…) it is most certainly an electronic synth.

Which song?

(For those unfamiliar with the Moodies, four of them sang: Pinder, Ray Thomas, John Lodge, and Justin Hayward, who sang their biggest hits.)

I got to perform with them once (zero interaction — they’d rent a local orchestra at tour stops.) I forgot my socks, and hopefully didn’t blind anyone with my glaring white ankles. I was and still am musically underexposed. This was my first exposure to their work, and an enjoyable one.