Brief nudity = nipple?

Tell me about it! I want to clarify, I surely wasn’t offended by the nipple shots, I’m in the “what’s the big deal” camp.

Minor tangent: I was on a flight and the in-flight movie was The Matrix or some such thing. They edited out the curse words, but left in all the violence. Go figure :rolleyes: I mean, really, which is easier for an “impressionable youth” to access: the headphones to hear the “dirty words” or the big’ol screen, with all the shooting and kicking and everything? Idiot censors.

Are you talking about the special from a few (10?) years ago? In that one they cut from Columbia to the stage actress during the exposed-nipple bit. And it is very visible, if you know when to look.

What I’ve never understood is why it’s okay to show a baby girl’s genitals but not an adult woman’s nipple. You’d think with all the pedophiles out there they’d be a bit more cautious. The adult at least has a choice; the infant does not.

Don’t you know? The United States is so fragile that a bare nipple is enough to bring down the entire country down on our heads! :eek: :wink:

Personally, I wish they would. Then maybe I’d be interested enough to watch.

Yeah, that’s the one. I’ve seen the movie a few other times without the pixellation, maybe this is so those with projection TVs can’t see anything? :slight_smile:

maybe next they’ll show a dead beaver. :eek:

(and I don’t mean that guy from ‘Leave It To Beaver’ will be found dead, nor do I mean that it will be some wildlife catastrophe ;))

Kind of reminds me of an incident during the WTC attacks coverage. They show all these shots of exploding planes, collapsing buildings, jumping people, bloody bodies ad nauseum.

But they bleep out the “oh shit” in a video.

I don’t know if this is fully accurate, but its close. I’m sure that Comedy Central doesn’t do its own editing anyway. Just because I KNOW things are said and done on South Park or The Man Show that get edited out of CC movies somehow. So I’m sure it’s not CC censors at work…

Am I the only one wondering if a corpse can even have an erect nipple? Wouldn’t post-mortem lividity preclude it?

Ever go to a nude beach? After a while you don’t get turned on any more…

America is unbelievably weird about all this.

Last year Sela Ward popped a nipple (complete with hand contact) on “Once and Again” (season 1, episode 2, in the sex scene near the end) and I awaited the firestorm over it.

Never heard a peep anywhere. What happened to the Morality Enforcers?

“Once and Again” went downhill from there, but presumably for other reasons.

I saw a Channel 4 News health report a few years back on how to self-examine for breast cancer. Sue Simmons was presenting it for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. On it, they had two women graphically demonstrating how it is done. Bare. No pixelation, no censorship. And it was shown at 6:00 pm. I think they show it every year now, I’m not sure.

They only sure way to have graphic full-frontal nudity and sex shown on regualar TV is to have Steven Speilburg direct the film.

Yes, besides him, Steven Spielberg might have a chance too.

Acutally, I’m impressed that the actress playing the corpse didn’t flinch when Grissom ran water over her legs. This one week after a scene with a breathing corpse in the background.

Jerry Stahl tends to write the weird ones for this show. Like the one where the health nut juiced her victims to death (Stahl was apparently part of a juicing cult for a while). Oddly enough, “Lady Heather” bore a striking resemblance to the juicer lady – particularly in her dealings with Grissom.

Was this thread about the particular CSI episode, or televised nipples in general?

Hey Pete! Check out Channel 9!

Well, IANAP, but I don’t think that anyone gets excited about like, little babies. I think the bare minimum pedophile age is 6 or so, and you definitely wouldn’t see that on American TV. OK, now I feel gross…


Oh, a nipple! How daring!

How about full body nudity? T’was such a thing with Schindler’s List shown during prime time tv some time ago.

Recall that the lady in question had a breast enlargement. IANAD, but I’ve heard that most boob jobs end with a permanently erect nipple.

But maybe that’s only for breast reconstruction… If nothing else, I’d love to know if what I heard is true or not. (Most preferably by example. Pictures would be nice, but I’m thinking hands-on examination is the more sceintific method here.)

I always believe it is a good idea to close a conversation with a little bit of comedy. To help with that, here are snippits of email I recieved about the alleged indecency in the VS lingere show.

[Edited by Eutychus55 on 11-19-2001 at 06:03 PM]

I watched some of Blazing Saddles on Comedy Central yesterday (I’m in the U.S.) and was surprised to hear they left in the N-words as well as “faggot”. But they cut out the scene where Harvey Korman rubs the breasts of the mini-statue (at least I think that was how it happened). And they also cut out “shit”. I would have thought most people would find the first two examples more offensive than the two they edited.

I just remembered something that really made me wonder when it first happened.

A few years back there was this guy who made a bet with his friend. The bet involved this MAN getting implants. He then went on “The Man Show” on Comedy Central, basic cable, and bared HIS breasts. The fuzzed them out. Explain that? Male boobs, no sexuality … furious scratching of head