Brits, comment on Engelbert song for Eurovision 2012.

She was just trying to be funny, not unlike when Björn Gustafsson pretended to be drunk a few years ago. Such are the mighty heights of Swedish humour (there’s a reason next to all humour on tv here is imported).

My girlfriend was dying of embarrassment.

Good God is that live blog juvenile! Who did they have typing that in, a bunch of ten-year-olds?

Brits have a weird relationship with Eurovision. They seem to be to want to be to Eurovision what the Snarkpit is to the SDMB, but they are failing miserably at it. If you want to do snark properly, send more snarky/ironic songs, not simply boring/miserable ones.

Yes, Eurovision is cheesy, and with the influx of the Eastern Bloc countries, things have gotten worse (e.g. block voting, too many entries, etc). One thing I have noticed though is that countries tend to vote for (1) their neighbors and (2) the song they like, so in the end the “best” song wins, and it isn’t always from the same countries.

I haven’t seen any stats, but I would bet that the winning entry is somewhat equally distributed among all countries, but positions 2-10 are more static from year-to-year and are dependent on the various voting blocks (Balkans, Scandinavians, former Soviets, etc)

But do you see? did you read and understand? It is gentle piss-taking borne out of affection with praise for anything that is genuinely good. The weird is applauded, the weird is welcomed, the weird is the whole point of Eurovision to us.

The one thing you’ll note throughout is that there are no sour grapes and no expectation that we will win.

It is a good humoured joke to us. Look at the points we gave…10 points to Jedward for Christ’s sake, what further proof do you need of our intentions here?

It isn’t weird, it is perfectly straightforward and has been explained by the UK people on this thread multiple times. We aren’t being snarky. That liveblog can be criticised for being juvenile but definitely not snarky.
And we know we are irrelevant to Eurovision so we send irrelevant songs. To try and be snarky and ironic would be trying too hard if you ask me.