Brits/Europeans: Why so anal about liquid measure? (beer)

Portland, Oregon, my friend. Portland, Oregon.

Also, Austin, TX, though I’m not sure if you can get any Live Oak shipped internationally.

I remember trying some English wine and I must say it wasn’t that great. Never tried Dutch wine so no comment there. Have tried Chinese wine and I can say the English wine is better. But I don’t know if that means a lot.
I have also tried Indian wine and all I can say is avoid it as best you can.

I was in Walsenburg, amongst other places a little while ago and all that was available was Gnats pee.

But to answer the o.p. are you usually happy for business’s to give you short measures ?

As in

I’ve only half a bun with my burger.

Yeah So ? Whats the problem ?

ER I wanted a cup of coffee, but its only half full.

Oh for GODS SAKE ! Why are people so bloody FUSSY !

Strangely, we don’t seem to need government-calibrated measuring vessels to prevent McDonald’s from serving half a hamburger.

Yeah well thats easy for you to say cos you’ve got the trained eye haven’t you.

Personally I find that if I count the bun pieces; then I know if they’ve short bunned me.

Otherwise, well, sometimes I notice, sometimes I don’t.

You may be of Scottish descent, but you are clearly not Scottish. The Scots have a real reputation of generosity.

Usually, its the English who are mean, but there are more of them and they’re louder… Some would say Yorkshire in particular, and Londoners, if there is such a thing…

I just know that living in England, some of them hold the door open to the pub, just so they can be last in the bar and last one to buy a drink in a round (in turn).

I’ve got to admit **Smid ** can be right, I remember very well a Scotsman buying me a pint.

It was a sunny day, back in 72 or 73 I think.

The other people in the pub thought that it was a publicity stunt of some sort.

The difference mate, is that you probably didn’t buy him one back :slight_smile:

Ah that would be my Scots half in action.

(Glasweigan dad)

Thanks for the warning. I won’t go there.

My impression of Scotsmen is that they are generally far too generous for their own good. The thing about them being thrifty is, I’ve been told, originally an internal Scottish joke about Aberdonians.

If you know of a cheaper Guinness in Stockholm, I’m all ears.

I used to drink lots of Guinness at BG:s further up the street towards Hornstull, but I haven’t been there since it changed owner a number of years ago (a blatant lie, I had a quick lager there on New Year’s eve. Unfortunately I don’t remember if they still have it).

Some years ago went drinking in Stockholm, and the prices even then made our eyes water !
We were at one time in a Jazz pub but can’t remember its name.

Incrediblt beautyful women.

When drinking in Stockholm you have to know which places to go to as the prices vary from place to place. I, myself, find Gothenburg very expensive.

Yes, Londoners exist. I’ve visited there and can confirm people live there.

Met that kind of person. First out of the taxi, last to the bar :rolleyes: