
I kind of agree that this is probably a more apt comparison. You can walk from Brooklyn to Manhattan. There’s several subways that cross the East River. It’s a bit of a hassle to go from Oakland to San Francisco. You have to drive across the Bay Bridge or take BART, which takes a bit of time. It’s not very quick to go from Newark to Manhattan.

I think it is a relatively apt comparison, though obviously not a perfect parallel. It is true that people living in Oakland tend to move to Brooklyn. Young people in Oakland consider it to be a bit hipper, artier, more diverse and more keeping it real.

The places where the comparison falls apart is that Manhattan greatly overshadows it’s surrounding areas. It really is the center of everything there.

but I think the greater Bay Area overshadows San Francisco. San Francisco is the jewel on the crown, but more goes on in the surrounding cities than in San Francisco itself, I think.

No way. People in SF will go to Oakland / Berkeley on occasion. People in Manhattan like to hop on over to Brooklyn. But I’ve yet to meet anyone in Manhattan that would like to go to Newark. They hardly go to Jersey at all, and if they went anywhere, it would be Jersey City.