Buffy Vs. Blade

As brondicon pointed out, it was “The Judge” and not “The Master.”

“What does that thing do?”


I don’t think holy water squirt guns would be terribly effective in the Buffyverse. Holy water seems like more of an “Ack! Ack! Get it off!” thing than a lethal danger for vamps. Seems like you’d have to immerse the vampire in it to actually kill it off. Could be useful for blinding them, or something, I guess. It also doesn’t usually appear in mass quantities. Must be pretty hard to get ahold of. (Pictures the Scoobies sneaking into churches to siphon water out of the baptismal fonts.)

That’s somethign that always bothered me about Darla killing the African Slayer- she slashed her throat and let her drop, end of story. Wha?

Seems like you’d have to immerse the vampire in it to actually kill it off.
e.g., the bathtub scene in The Lost Boys.
LaurAnge, you said exactly what I was trying to say.
Also, something to possibly consider is that Blade follows more rules of the action genre, with the funky stunts and fetishized weaponry. Buffy, IMHO, follows more of the rules of the traditional horror genre and its descendants; like the hero/heroine’s resourceful nature in using and creating weapons (see Ash and the chainsaw hand in Army of Darkness, the aforementioned garlic-holy water bath in The Lost Boys, even Chief Brody knocking on the underwater cable thing to electrocute the shark in Jaws 2.

… And it was Druscilla that killed Kendra, thinks.

All in all, I don’t think they mix well, for reasons brondicon and LaurAnge** have mentioned. It’s just a genre thing.

That’s all I have to say about thayat.

LaurAnge, no offense, but I think the presence of Adam kind of negates that theory; the whole plotline was based around the inclusion of technology in magical beings. Spike’s chip seems like a nice piece of technology, and it’s turned the tide of several encounters. The Initiative seems to do a pretty good job of hunting vamps without superstrength.

And even in the horror genre, we expect our heroes to be ingenious in their methods of fighting often ingenious foes. What bugs me is that, with absolutely no vampire-combat experience, I can come up with a dozen things I’d try against vampires off the top of my head. Fighting them hand-to-hand without even having a stake on me would be way down there on my list. And yet, all the characters on the good side in Buffy, even the ones without superpowers to help them fight, take this method every time.

I know crosses and holy water don’t do much against vamps in the Buffyverse, but hey, they do something. It’s gonna be a lot more distracting for a vamp to get maced with holy water, than to be on the wrong end of a Xander-punch. And if it were me, I’d make friends with a priest, and fast, and get him to bless my freaking swimming pool. I’d perfect the multiple-shot crossbow, learn to load my own shotgun ammo and test fire some toothpick loads, I’d bone up on military tactics and help train any of my friends who were willing to assist in the vampire war in any type of martial art I knew, so at least they wouldn’t be liabilities. (I think I’d prefer hapkido; breaking bones would at least slow vampires down a lot. Punching and kicking them seems to piss them off. But that’s another thread: What Martial Art Would You Use Against The Undead?)

What I wouldn’t do is keep using the very same tactics against progressively tougher opponents, and get whiny when they seem harder to beat.

Wouldn’t it be great, on Buffy’s return, to see her finally come to grips with being the Slayer, ditch her job at the Double Meat, get some financial backing, do a great montage sequence to pull the Scoobies together as a fighting force, and go out and do some slaying?

But, that’s just me dreaming. In reality, it’ll probably be more of the same Buffy Visits General Hospital dreck it’s been all season.