Bullied Grandmother...really?

I suspect this wasn’t the first time, other than being caught on video, and I’d bet the school knew about it but didn’t care and did nothing, which is why the woman did nothing and why the student, expecting it again, recorded it.

Sure, NOW these kids are going to be in huge trouble. Before this thing got totally out of hand, she needed to be nipping it in the bud by reminding them that “last day” doesn’t mean squat unless they’re moving/dropping out.


My kid would also being mowing, raking, and shoveling snow in her yard for the next year. Apologies are nice but talks cheap and assholes can still fake it.

All of this sounds reasonable, but I think very little of the blame lies with the bus monitor. (Not that you’re assigning blame - I get that). This woman clearly just wasn’t trained properly; it’s possible training wouldn’t have mattered, and she isn’t suited for the job, in which case she shouldn’t have been hired in the first place. The fault lies with the district, IMHO.

I’d have lost the bet.

Klein tells Anderson Cooper that it had not happened before.


I’m more worried about the future implications.

“Okay kids, let’s go over it one more time. How’s the lighting? Are we good? Okay. When I yell “action,” you’re going to start in on Bessie here. And don’t be afraid to really give it to her, because we want this thing to look good. You’re okay with getting slapped around a little, aren’t you dear? Of course she is. With the cut I’m giving her, she’d better be. All right then, everybody in position? Bessie, remember not to bite down on the blood capsule until after you get hit with the breakaway bottle, okay? Over here, sweetheart. I know you do, but just try to hold it for a few more minutes. All right people, let’s get this thing in one take so we can all get paid. Annnnd… ACTION!”

Really?? I grew up on the southside of Chicago in the 80’s. I cannot recall any of my peers during the busing years telling an adult they wanted to either defecate in their mouth of ejaculate in their mouth. Have you seen the link?

No… no kudos… not at all… You’re a parenting fail. If your animal you are rearing acts like this… thinks of things like this to do then you’ve failed as a parent. Please take a box of trojans and your appointment to the local urologist as your parting gift. We who actually parent wish to exclude you from our ranks.

Originally her fans wanted to raise enough to send her on a nice vacation, but they were thinking $5k or something, maybe $15k. Last night it was over $300k. I wonder if she’ll donate a lot of it to charity or something.

Me, I’d keep it. :slight_smile:

It’s their money. What’s it to you?

(I think I’ve heard that from you before.)

This is quite probable. And if she needed that job, what else was she going to do?

I feel sorry for the woman. Now everyone knows who she is and gets to make comments on how she can’t do her job.

Yup. That sounds about right!

fn kids.

This woman is now sitting on half a million dollars. Hell. Good for her! The woman was the victim of groupthink, and now she’s apparently benefiting from it.

I’ll respectfully bow out of the discussion on this issue but I’ve seen this posted before and heard that one of the parents has mentioned this.
What I don’t get is how working for this lady… ie mowing her lawn… trimming the hedges is somehow therapuetic (sic) to the issue of of verbally abusing her and making disgusting vile comments. How about instead you take advantage of your EAP plan at work and get you child some help since you’ve obviously fucked up as an example and disciplinarian and parent. Their are good kids who would like part time gigs doing this same work… I think a lot of us… myself included did these things for the 10 bucks a lawn… or shoveling a sidewalk. I’m totally missing how putting these nutjobs to some kind of labor, which should be for the good kids, alleviates their actions?

Sorry for the triple-post, but how many bullied children don’t speak up? A bully is a bully anywhere. Just because it’s a 68 year old woman doesn’t make it less horrific.

Sorry, I was trying to compare my experience as a student teacher, at a school where the teachers didn’t seem to have much power, to the bus monitor situation. At my school, we were encouraged to not touch the kids for any reason (even a pat on the back or something) because it could give parents cause to complain. And I sort of got the impression that the teachers were always walking on eggshells when a student needed to be punished for something, because the parents might complain about how their little snowflakes were being treated.

I was wondering if the bus monitors had a situation where they didn’t really have any power over the kids - physical or verbal. My point was that the bus monitors would need to have some kind of power in order for the kids to fear the consequences of behavior. Not power to give physical punishment, as I stated in my post (with the use of the word “not”) but rather the power to get them kicked off the bus, or detention, or whatever. Or the kind of power that monstro’s bus driver had, where the kids knew they might get grabbed by the collar (obviously not to actually hurt them).

Good kids get paid to do it. Bad kids get punished by doing it for free. Making a kid apologize is rather lame punishment in my opinion (but its a start). Doing shit you don’t like for free and not getting to go play ball kinda sucks. Personally I’d rather they just bring back beatings but what are you gonna do?

And this shit would have never gone down on a Chuck Norris or Al Pachino bus.

Yeah… it wasn’t an actual suggestion, and even if it was victims of the other crimes are not the topic of the thread and the victims didn’t receive a huge windfall, and nobody anywhere is suggesting this is the worst thing ever to happen, but thank you for your input. :rolleyes:

Speaking of negativity, did anybody see the woman on Anderson Cooper last night? While admittedly she’s had a peculiar week, I have to say that she seems one of the most negative and unlikeable human beings ever; I somehow doubt she’s a regular at the local Karaoke bar. She basically dismissed the money that was donated as “I’ll believe it when I get it”, said she believes a couple of the kids should be banned from riding the bus or playing sports for at least a year, and when AC (with a really weird kind of disturbing smile) told her that an airline was giving her 10 roundtrip tickets and a 3 night stay at Disneyland she only marginally perked up and said she’d take her family, except for a couple of them.

While the kids are little bastards and their actions are inexcusable I really do hope their lives are made temporarily hell over this (nothing permanent, but enough to let them know that assholery can have consequences), it’s easy to see why they didn’t like her to begin with. I hope she uses a part of the money for treatment for counseling because she seems to be broken and I doubt it started on the bus.

I think you would be shocked and amazed at just how incredibly stupid and incompetent some petty (as in low level) bureaucrats can be.

I can easily imagine that if she had said or done anything, the parents would have gon crazy that their “litttle angel” was so " mistreated" and the school would have crucified this “monitor”.

It’s not all that hard to imagine.

That just makes it worse in my view. It shows that this was no childish on the spot implulse, but deliberate malice.

So, apparently and ironically she has a couple of bad kids :slight_smile: