Bulls and Cows


Now I’m on a bit of a different schedule from you guys so I’m not sure how this will go, but I’m thinking of a four digit number that’s meaningful to me …

:purple_circle: :purple_circle: :purple_circle: :purple_circle:


It really doesn’t matter. We can submit our guesses, and you will process them when you want.

My guess is 7654.

7654 - 1 bull

How do you do the table thing?

You forgot about Prof.Pepperwinkle’s 3210.

You can inform us traditionally, if you don’t know how to build a table.
I will look for the source now.

This thread:

In the section about tables, you should use the part after this line:

3210 - 1 bull 2 cows. This may be a quick one!

guess Bulls Cows
3210 1 2
7654 1 0

Not necessarily.

My guess now is 3219.


Although there are are still something like 30 numbers that are logically consistent with the evidence we have, I suspect I know the answer. If I’m right then 3219 will yield 1 bull and 2 cows and 8012 will yield 0 bulls and 2 cows.

guess Bulls Cows
3210 1 2
7654 1 0
3219 1 1
8012 2 0



The number I was thinking of obviously wasn’t right. I think there are two possibilities remaining and I have no basis for picking between them, so I’ll wait until after the results from Prof.Pepperwinkle’s latest guess.

guess Bulls Cows
3210 1 2
7654 1 0
3219 1 1
8012 2 0
3712 2 0

That is indeed the one! It’s the postcode of the suburb of Parkville where I formerly lived and currently work :sunglasses:

OK, I’m thinking of a four-digit number. You may begin guessing.

I will submit the first guess: 9753.

An inspired guess. 9753 has two bulls and one cow.

# guess Bulls Cows
1 9753 2 1