Bush confused over executive order?

… a signed executive order is, well, law for bureaucrats. Therefore, a presidential administration or any admin public/private/govt, needs to be careful about what is signed and implemented. quite simple really.

This inconsistency in public policy makes me queasy because:

a. it reflects a lack of overall vision of govt leadership - especially when it concerns abortion [a MAJOR issue in American politics] and separation of church and state [one of the founding principals of this country].

b. it creates a feeling that a public policy issue will be decided upon politikal expediency rather than the “body of law” [constitution, executive orders, supreme court decisions etc]

c. it appears to be a ‘policy wonk’ mistake of a new administration - bah! humbug, the vast majority of officials and advisors surrounding Dubya have been in ‘n’ out of govt for years; in with Dad - in with son. There is no excuse for this kind of “neophyte” behavior. It raises the competency question.

Another example of incompetency are the comments made by a high ranking Bush Admin official [I can’t remember his name] who said that the White House Offices on Race and AIDS will disappear. What a jerk! What a political faux pas! This is the kinda shit you find at the local govt level, but not at the White House. Oh, Christ on a crutch…

and now, there seems to be bi partisan efforts to change it back again. Here including Arlen Specter???

I guess he was right, Bush is bringing the two sides together, just not exactly how he intended.