Bush most unpopular in modern History

If you have anything of substance to add… Please do. Otherwise, check the forum name please.

You should join. I think you’d make a good addition to this MB (this thread notwithstanding :slight_smile: ).


**Reeder **was a poster who was banned several years ago for posting dozens of “Bush is teh suXxor” threads, among other things. Many were nothing more than a link. I don’t think this OP is quite that bad, and the OP has the excuse of being new, but that’s the idea.

Ok, I did know a little about Reeder, but nothing in this thread seemed to indicate a connection to me. The Op was not even critical of Bush. I thought the post was aimed at LonghornDave and that had me scratching my head.

Very much so. Obsession with Bush was more like it. Here is Reeder’s profile. You might even find a thread started by him that matches your thread title…almost dopplegangerlike. Hence, my sighting.

I swear to never open a thread on Bush again!

(great - 1st OP is a lame, doppleganger post. Just great…) < Smacks head>

This seems an appropriate thread to ask this question. Kos is saying SMU rejected Bush’s library. I took a look at the actual vote and I’m sad to say I do not understand what was voted on, exactly.

It seems to me that they voted to refer the vote on the library and not rejected it. But I am not at all sure.

Unfortunately the antidote to that sentiment is too often over-looked:

I can assure you that the vast majority 29% who still approve of GW had nothing but contempt for Bill Clinton while he was president.

Personally I don’t think Bush was ever the puppet people thought/assumed he was. I actually think it’s a bit of a cop out to think of him as simply a puppet. From everything I’ve read of the man he pretty much followed the direction he wanted to and simply surrounded himself with like minded folk who wanted to go the way he did.

I agree that the man was a total disaster though FWIW.

Naw, don’t worry yourself over it. It’s just that in the last 7 odd years (and they WERE quite odd) we’ve seen quite a few Bush bashing threads ranging from Bush is stupid, evil, a puppet and of course The Worst President In History™. So…some folks are a bit jaded at this point. However, you will also find a loyal following of like minded Bush bashers here abouts to who will gladly join in. To be honest, even most ‘Republicans’ and ‘Conservatives’ on THIS particular board will most likely not have many good things to say about Bush, though they may argue some of the more over the top anti-Bush rhetoric…


Don’t be so thin skinned. Bush bashing OPs are welcomed here. Just be a little more original with the bash. It might be a bit harder, but it’ll well worth the effort.

And welcome aboard, Euphonius. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Bush was obviously a total fucking moron even before he was "Elected "into office.

This is the inherent danger of voting for your party irregardless.

The man has caused so much damage to the world both politically and physically since he has been in office that its a wonder that he shows his face in public but he is so dumb he appears to be totally oblivious to the harm he has caused.

A greedy dimwit,the world of international relations will be a much much better place without him.

There, there. Don’t worry, The shame is shortlived. Before you know it, you’ll have started dozens of lame threads and your eyes will skip all criticism without you even noticing or having to wear pants.

Welcome to zombo.com*

*Where everything is possible.

May I ask a question from an outsiders perspective. According to Wikipedia from here -


So if Clinton was considered one of the best and Bush is considered one of the worst why was Bush voted in? Is it because people vote for the person and not necessarily his policies, or do you vote for a party regardless of the person representing the party? I’m totally confuzzed about US politics. I fail to understand how you could go from a well spoken and charismatic president to a complete twit. If the previous administration screwed up totally you would expect a change of party but in this case it wasn’t true. (Or was it?)

It seems like the Republicans got tired of the 8 years of a Democratic White House and ran a truly killer series of campaigns. For other factors, I’ll rely on people who were out of their teens when all this happened to explain :wink:

The Republicans ran a very nasty, but very successful campaign. They found someone that seemed folksy and nice to front the party and had a field day smearing Gore who was not a great candidate and they convinced the middle that Gore would continue everything that was bad about the Clintons and nothing that was the good.

Bush also appealed well to the mainstays of the party. Big Oil and the Religious Right. The Religious Right ran a grassroots campaign that got many that rarely voted to come out and vote. They used the ‘dreaded fear’ of things like abortion, gay marriage, evolution and flag burning very successfully in the last two elections.

As campaign strategies goes, it was brilliant in its twisted skill. Sadly it has hurt the country and the world. Once again the Dems may find a way to fumble the ball when the path to the goal line looked wide open. I hope I am wrong.
