Bush vs Kerry Poll results

Yea, I’m beginning to realize that.

Obviously, I too feel that the results that we got are certainly “bizarre”. Still, I was curious as to an explanation.

I guess the only thing that we can conclude is that, you’re right, this board is generally liberal. 100 people polled, 82 for one candidate!!! If the results were the other way around, we’d have to conclude that the board is generally conservative, no?

Oh well, we’ll wait and see. I won’t be subscribing by the way.

You’re using survey data from an online message board which is predominantly liberal and dedicated to fighting ignorance.

Your sample is skewed towards educated people with computers, online connections, and attention spans long enough to keep coming here.

See a pattern here?

I see you trying to make a pattern where there isn’t one. People go where they are welcomed, and they stay where they find a home. This place is a left-wing haven. It has nothing to do with intelligence, education, or anything else.

Or, it’s an indicator that most of the boards’ conservatives didn’t bother to vote. I bet if you looked through a few GD threads about Bush or Kerry (or the “conservatives are eeeeeevil” threads), you’d find a lot of us self-avowed conservatives in those threads and not in yours. Polls that aren’t anonymous are more likely to be skewed, since they potentially leads to pile-ons against posters with opposing views and overweening smugness- that makes a lot of people simply avoid them. I get RDA of that in GD, why look for it in IMHO too?

Maybe a Brit doper could help me find a favorite (but only half-remembered) quote by, I think, Stephen Fry, who back in the Thatcher days mocked the conservative “back to Victorian values” crowd by attributing this quote to them:

“Why are all the clever people left wing?”

Fighting ignorance since 1973, etc. … :slight_smile:

I have to object to the contention that Kerry voters are necessarily left-wing.

Kerry voters also include libertarians (who, you may remember, were forced to choose between the two parties), and a significant amount of self-described conservatives put off by Bush’s social and foreign agendas.

That said, I agree that the SDMB is biased to the left on social issues (especially religion and gay rights issues), but I suspect that economically it’s much closer to being centrist.

What, isn’t free-market money-making-at-all-costs part of the conservative philosophy? After all, if the SDMB was a liberal board, we’d be giving away subscriptions for the good of society! :smiley:

Funny, rjung. :slight_smile:

I find the poll results idiotic and reflecting the idiocy of the people here that voted for him. :smiley:

Kerry is a jack-off and so are the people who vote for him. IMO

        I didn't say I was voting for Bush JUST to piss anyone off.  I said it made more more determined to vote for Bush, meaning I would have done it anyway but remarks like this only serve to reinforce the vote and do absolutely nothing to win over moderates or those on the fence, which is really my point.   

         To be fair, though, and just to confuse things, if I vote for Bush it would probably be more a vote AGAINST Kerry and for the Republican party rather than for Bush.  I think there are more qualified people than both Bush and Kerry but they just don't happen to be on the ticket.

You leave my sex life out of this.

Tentacle Monster, the only member of the USAF to vote Kerry. Well, probably the only one.

Not true. I’m voting for Kerry as well. Not that he’ll be any better, but it would be tough to be worse.

Not true. It would be quite easy to do worse. Not that Kerry will do worse, but it’s too bad we don’t have better candidates to choose from, huh?

…so working America would be paying for it? :smiley:

Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t Bush cut combat pay? Isn’t that a pretty good reason to expect all three branches to vote against him?

Bush is a chimpanzee and the people who vote for him are joining him in flinging feces at sensible fiscal, foreign, and social policy.

Well, I’ll be damned. That makes two. I don’t know about any of the people I work with, but I suspect at least one of them is a closeted liberal.

Well, I think he cut a proposed increase in combat pay. That’s still pretty low, considering the 87.5 billion dollar package he got Congress to pass for the war in Iraq. I have a feeling that the most significant part of that package went straight up the noses of executives at Kellogg, Brown & Root.

Also, there are four branches. Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines. Well, technically, the Marines are part of the Navy, but they’re just too different to be considered one and the same.

And I suppose if you really wanted to, you could count the Coast Guard.