Bush whines about media "filter" on Iraq, damn those pesky facts!

Hey elf6c,

I know you used 8 cites!!! up above, but you’re in a sticky situation. The more cites you can come up with (and the fewer he can come up with) the more it demonstrates the ease with which one collects evidence that things are going badly.

From where we are, no number of cites will “prove” that things are going badly. Since none of you are in Iraq currently (Iraq Dopers, sound off, PLEASE) there are no credible cites. Each journalist out there is reporting not everything he sees, but everything he sees which he or his editor thinks is relevant to the story at hand.

When a soldier writes home you can expect it to be more than a little biased, but read what he’s saying, and ask yourself, “has any of that been in the news?” No, that link doesn’t point to one of the stupid form letters that made me want to kick a hole in my wall. It points to a real letter that a real guy wrote to his hometown paper.

So, elf6c, I will now state my conclusion: things are going well in Iraq, except for the fact that American soldiers are dying at a rate that is much lower than the civilian casualty rate during the Iran-Iraq War. I’ll even spin it your way: things are going horribly wrong in Iraq, except that the power’s back on better than before, there’s clean water, the hospitals are open, there’s free speech, and a decent shot at a democratically elected government.

Find me a cite or two that disagree with that soldier’s numbers–you’ve got all the resources of the “unfiltered” media at your disposal, right?

Remember, smart guy: the media don’t tell you what to think. The media tell you what to think about.


Hey Jurph, I’ve got bad news for you. This guy’s filled his letter not with the stuff he’s actually seen and experienced, but with PR straight out of Paul Bremer’s press release:

I think I’m on safe ground in saying SFC Raymond Reynolds of D Company, 234th Signal Battalion, doesn’t know these facts, if facts they be, firsthand or even secondhand. He ‘knows’ them either through the media or through the military command structure. He knows no better than you or I.

But thanks for playing.

Well Jurph, I did use actual Cites to support my agrument.

There are plenty of media in Iraq, so most of your “arguments” which seem to consist of abusing the bold function, are wrong. Blaming the messenger for facts you don’t like is very Bush-like. But then again, that was the thesis of the OP. Your post was but yet another example of it.

More on the actual (not Rumsfled based spin doctored lies) morale of the troops:

Darn, will you look at that- another Cite in support of my position. Filled with nothing but facts. You may want to look into that. And for the evil media basis sorts (often who steadfastly approve of conservative media biased outlets such as Fox News, Washington Times and Wall Street Journal)- it was Stars and Stripes which did the survey.


So when the overwhelming majority of the US population thought Saddam was (a) linked to 9/11 (b) working with a-Q and © that he had WMD, that wasn’t the US Government - through the good offices of the subservient and compliant US media - informing the people, you’re saying the people formed those views independently.

Blimey! Strike a light.

Regarding the Stars and Stripes survey - Isn’t it possible that conditions in Iraq can improve while morale among the troops drops? I don’t really see troop morale being a good indicator of anything other than troop morale. I mean even if something very positive happens in Iraq, I imagine a good number of the troops would rather not be there.

Here’s an index to the Stars and Stripes series, btw:


Well Mack, as part of the bullshit offensive coming out of the White House- mainly claims were being made that moral was sky high amoung the troops as part of the “everything’s great, the media is filtering it out” line of spin.

This of course did not match what people who were actually there were seeing-- hence the survey proving the truth isn’t a huge priority with regard to this Administration and Iraq.

Want more proof- Iran-Contra figures ties to Iraq WMD claims:

Ledeen, is noted to have a “number of friends in the Pentagon’s civilian leadership” who were interested in the [bogus] story, but the CIA shot it down. Not that it stopped the claim from later being used evidently.


Here’s an interesting discussion of a recent survey. While I would be the first to point out the lack of a given sample size or the actual polling questions are not good, the resulta are somewhat surprising:


Basically it states that people who watch primarily Fox News are more likely to beleive that Al Qaida and Iraq are connected, that we found WMD and that George Bush is liked globally.

Should be “pushed” not used, Ledeen was trying to go around the rightly skepitical CIA to the receptive ears of the civilians in the Pentagon, where the article notes that outside conservatives like Leeden still seem to have a lot of influence.


Here’s the entire study cited in the Post article.

And here is the Cite to the claims that were being made by the Bush Adminstration:


So when are we going to see the Iraqi people traveling around in blue jeans, cowboy hats and SUVs? Isn’t that the plan? I heard the number one concern of the Iraqi people is how quickly they can get a Starbucks coffee shop.

The BS offensive begins:

More important? What a fucking moron.

What they are glossing over:


Gee, the Dog and Pony shows hand picking the one or two good things happening- I am shocked.

Loved this headline:

Heh heh heh, Ouch!

Who is this idiot? Behold:


More good news:

What another $8,000,000,000? It’s not like the state and federal deficit’s are skyrocketing. Oh, wait. [nothing but blue skies, from now on. . . ]

Who is filtering what? Don’t our soldiers in Iraq have better things to do than babysit Cabinet officers? Does the term Potemkin Village mean anything to the Bush Administration or the American people?

Probably not. I’m coming to the conclusion that the whole thing was a PR stunt from beginning to end, and the Iraqi people (and our own soldiers) are just handy props. Unfortunately for them (and our soldiers), it’s sorta backfiring at this point, but that doesn’t change the ground rules.