Buying a car to establish credit?

You can skip straight to the Visa card (if you have income you’ll be able to get one, even if it has a low limit initially). Then use it and pay it off every month. Your credit report will show that your account is current and that you pay on time. That’s what builds your credit rating. There’s no need to throw away money on interest.

My wife had life insurance and I ended up with 100k in the bank doing nothing. The house next door had been for sale for 6 months, so I bought it to rent it out. It was a spur of the moment decision without much planning. (And the landlord game is lame by the way.)

Silly me, I had 90k to put down on a 180k house, no debts, never checked my credit score. It was zero. I had no debts in the previous two years. Debit card, that’s no help. Credit card, that’s in the name of my company. Cars, trucks, all paid for.

The mortgage guy told me to gather my bills, electricity, cable, etc. That’s what got me the loan, along with statements saying I paid on time.