CA residents - Do you ever refer to the state you live in as "Cali"?

I have lived in California (both N and S) most of my life, now in the Sacramento area. I have never heard any resident, north or south, refer to it as “Cali”. It sounds like something out-of-staters would say.

It sounds like the name of a toy poodle. . . the kind with painted nails.

Born in California. I had never heard the term until my kids (in their 30s) started using it. Now that I’ve read this thread, I think it started when the middle one moved to Denver a couple of years ago.


I have told people I live in SoCal though. It’s a large state, it helps to give a little more description to which part of the state you are going to (or live in).

I think a better Poll would be how many Californian posters here refer to Northern California as “NorCal” or “NoCal”…it would probably show us who among us are NoCal <hint> and SoCal posters.

SoCal here, and I have texted that, too. Never said it, though. Actually, usually I text ‘So-SoCal’, since any further south and it’d be Mexico.

Shouldn’t that be “hella no?”

That reminds me of the petition to make hella- the official metric previx for 10X27.

I have even heard the San Diego area called LoCal.

They feel the same annoyance people from San Diego feel when someone speaks of Dago (A slang for San Diego)

I am a native but I live in AZ now. I have never referred to California as Cali. Neither has any of my family or friends. I left California when I was 35, but I visit numerous times a year