California Propositions 2008

It will not be “ordinary people”. It will be cronies and favorites. The “three auditors appointed by the State” will have enormous power and no one votes for them, nor are they responsible to the voters.

Do you have a better solution? I am asking this sincerely.

You’re correct about the auditors but you have to start somewhere to pick the panel. Applicants are barred from having run for any state or federal office, having been a lobbyist or having been a major political donor in the previous ten years. That’s a pretty good screen.

The ads for the “Yes” side have been unbelievable, even by Republican standards. They promise lawsuits, young children being exposed to gay marriage issues and the by far the worse thing, they show Gavin Newsom (the San Francisco Mayor) touting the recent CA Sup. Ct. ruling on the gay marriage with his “whether you like it or not” speach. I’ll vote “no” simply because I don’t care who gets married.