California Propositions 2018

Digging out my list, I’m voting:

1-4 Yes
5 No
6 Hell, no
7-10 Yes
11 No
12 Yes

We’ll see if the rest of the state is with me. The great joy in voting No on 6 is that the state Repubs have tried to make it a “major issue” they could run on, and the effort has flopped mightily. No money for TV ads, so nobody hears about the issue and even the Repub base is apathetic.

Thank you for the excellent summary.


The final is tomorrow, be sure to study up!

There’s one LA County measure: W, a parcel tax to pay for stormwater cleaning, based on the square-footage of impermeable surface on each property. I’m going to vote yes, although I don’t like the regressiveness of the tax. It’s not based on the ability to pay. But, it is based on the property’s burden to the environment, so the incentives are in the correct direction. LA needs better water management.

Is there consideration of rain barrels in the proposal? We’ve got a similar ordinance in Cleveland, but if you drain your roof into rain barrels (which you then presumably use for some purpose), you get a discount (maybe equal to the total area of the roof?).

Thank you Pleonast for starting this thread. I appreciate any help I can get doing my due voter diligence.

While this is a thread for Propositions, I wanted to pass along a helpful bit of advice I uncovered about approving all those CA judicial appointees. I always feel unsure about how much effort to put into those, and often guiltily left them blank in the past. This time I found an LA Times article pointing out that voters aren’t really expected to base their up-or-down votes on the ordinary rulings these judges make in the course of their careers. The periodic approvals are only there to give voters a chance to recall judges who they feel have gone way out of bounds. The default policy the article recommends is that if the name of the particular judge is not in the news and unknown to the voter, then the voter is justified to assume the judge is doing their job and to give them a “Yes” vote. It would in fact be detrimental to the process to overly scrutinize the judges rulings and vote them out based on what would likely be partisan or personal objections. Maybe the rest of you realized that already, but it was a little bit of weight off my mind to read that.

Despite all that, I still voted “No” on Corrigan based on Hajario’s information posted at the beginning of the thread (thanks for the head’s-up).

I just consulted your helpful list, Pleonast, while organizing my thoughts for tomorrow. Thank you for putting this all together. :slight_smile:

I did the take home test a couple of weeks ago. And thanks for helping me make my cheat sheet!

Good question. I don’t know the answer. But since the intent of the tax is to reduce pollution entering the water system, I don’t know if collection on a property makes much difference. Maybe slowing down the flow is helpful, maybe not.

Personally, I’m thinking of rerouting my eaves into the backyard, where it can soak into the ground, instead of the street, where it goes to the LA river. Even if it doesn’t give me a tax break, it’s good for my yard and the environment.

Current results, with 728 of 24,312 precincts not having reported anything. Final results aren’t expected until early December.

1 Bonds to Fund Veteran & Affordable Housing. YES 54.1% no 45.9%
2 Amend Existing Housing Program for Mental Illness. YES 61.2% no 38.8%
3 Bond for Water and Environmental Projects. yes 47.6% NO 52.4%
4 Bond for Children’s Hospital Construction. YES 60.6% no 39.4%
5 Senior Property Reduction. yes 41.8% NO 58.2%
6 Repeal of Fuel Tax Approved by Voters. yes 44.7% NO 55.3%
7 Change Daylight Saving Time Period. YES 59.9% no 40.1%
8 Regulates Kidney Dialysis Treatment Charges. yes 38.4% NO 61.6%
10 Rental Control on Residential Property. yes 38.3% NO 61.7%
11 Emergency Ambulance Employees on-call. YES 60.5% no 39.5%
12 Farm Animals Confinement Standards. YES 61.0% no 39.0%

California State Ballot Measures–Statewide Results

Sorry, one final comment. This looks like first time all the issues went the same way I voted.

You sheep you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks again, Pleonast!

Can you update this thread when the final results do come in? I never seem to hear about it and I’m just left wondering.

Big Money won on the very bad Props 10 & 11.

But Prop 6 failed, which is great… kinda.

1/2 the props went my way. So yay-ish?

The final results:

1 Bonds to Fund Veteran & Affordable Housing. YES 56.2% no 43.8%
2 Amend Existing Housing Program for Mental Illness. YES 63.4% no 36.6%
3 Bond for Water and Environmental Projects. yes 49.3% NO 50.7%
4 Bond for Children’s Hospital Construction. YES 62.7% no 37.3%
5 Senior Property Reduction. yes 40.2% NO 59.8%
6 Repeal of Fuel Tax Approved by Voters. yes 43.2% NO 56.8%
7 Change Daylight Saving Time Period. YES 59.7% no 40.3%
8 Regulates Kidney Dialysis Treatment Charges. yes 40.1% NO 59.9%
10 Rental Control on Residential Property. yes 40.6% NO 59.4%
11 Emergency Ambulance Employees on-call. YES 59.6% no 40.4%
12 Farm Animals Confinement Standards. YES 62.7% no 37.3%

Thanks again.