"Calling it the 'worst case' of abuse a detective had ever seen"

Isn’t this scapegoating?

Other family members are healthy and well treated - even the dogs were well cared for and the lawn has been mowed.

Sadly, nothing about this suprises me. Saddens me yes, suprises me, no.

Other than China, how many nations have an “oversight committee or licensing board for parenthood”? So, why did you say " in this country"?

Am I the only person that’s seeing a map to their home next to that article? I’ve got to think that being accused of the worst case of child abuse a detective has ever seen and having not just your address, but a map to your house published on-line don’t add up to a good thing for those parents.

Aaaaand China’s economy is growing faster than any other nation on earth. Coincidence? I think not!!
Damn, there’s some very sad stories in this thread. :frowning:

Possible reasons:

  1. she doesn’t know the situation in other countries,
  2. some other countries are more prone to extremes of religion, some less. She’s limiting her comentary to the one at hand. I can’t think of any other country with such a vocal “family-values cabal” as the US, but then I don’t follow politics a lot.
  3. something I haven’t thought of, it’s early in the morning.

But in any case that line sounded like my mom saying “but where is this country going!” when she talks about something bad which happened nationally, “but where are we going!” when the bad thing is local and “but where is this world going!” when it was outside of Spain.

Used to be, kids were required to attend school. This provided needed oversight.

Opting out of that is on the rise.