Can drinking parsley and/or ginger tea coax your period on?

lol, purplehorseshoe! That’s priceless!

One thing I found out about Nuvaring this week, not first hand, is that it tends to increase vaginal secretions. Apparently the localized increase in hormones makes you, uh, wet. A lot.

This wasn’t annoying enough to be a dealbreaker for the woman I worked with, but she did kinda wish someone had told her about it so she could have bought some pantiliners when she picked up her Nuvaring from the pharmacy. :smiley:

I have a friend who found Nuvaring uncomfortable, FYI - and so did her partner.

Parsley contains an unusually high number (13525.9 mgs/100g, compared to peppers, the next highest dietary source, at 4.98 mgs/100g) of flavones, a type of plant metabolite shown to improve conditions such as osteoporosis, diabetes, and breast cancers. It’s also a source of certain phytoestrogens, plant hormones that, when ingested, function similarly to estrogen. The way they’re structured means that some act like a sort of substitute-estrogen, while others simply block estrogen-receptors, so that if the body is over-producing estrogen, they can help provide relief.

Speaking personally, I’ve found parsley to be a huge help with my insanely chaotic, gruesome, and painful periods. It helps keep them regular and also relieves cramping and bloating better than any OTC medication I’ve tried. (Ginger, too, is excellent for period pain. It contains gingerols, which reduce levels of prostaglandin–which stimulates muscle contractions–in the body.) I know this post is years old, but I’d definitely recommend future readers / sufferers / period-terrorized give both a shot.

Is the OP still around? I want to know why she thought any of these things was useful to bring on her period.


I know this is a zombie, but nipple stimulation and orgasm lead to uterine contractions. Pregnant women getting nonstress tests (assessing baby’s heartbeat during a spontaneous contraction or fetal movement) are encouraged to use nipple stimulation to induce mild contractions to get baby moving, if baby is sluggish and sleepy. So, it maybe a way to bring on menses by stimulating uterine contractions.

Can’t say if it works, though.