Can everyone get used to contact lenses?

I got over the eye twitch and the putting in and taking out fairly quickly - I think I spent all of 20 minutes at the optometrist’s, learning how to do it myself.

Unfortunately, I never got used to having them in my eyes. With the lens in, my eyes always felt dry, and I was constantly rubbing them, trying to moisten them a bit. More often than not, they’d simply slip out of position, or just pop out. I finally gave up about a month after first wearing them. I miss having them though - wearing a glasses inside my helmet is damn uncomfortable.

Another one who couldn’t wear lenses because of overly dry eyes. And I tried, many times over a period of many years. But I rarely could go over two hours without my eyes getting very irritated and a blistering headache setting in.

When I got old enough that my arms were getting shorter (i.e. my close-up vision started to deteriorate), I stopped trying. I’d taken my glasses off all of my life to read, just because that was the most comfortable way to go. I wasn’t about to put myself in a situation where I’d need to wear glasses to read! For the same reason, I’d never get Lasix now, although I might have when I was much younger (had it existed at a reasonable price).

But I’ve noticed in my many occasions with contacts - once you’ve gotten over the initial ick factor, you’ll never have trouble touching your eyes again.

Man, I loves me my Night and Day contact lenses. I wear them for weeks at a time. My eyes always tell me when it’s time to take them out. I HIGHLY recommend them.

My wife wears contacts, and it took her forever to get over the squick factor, but now that she has, she just pops them in and out, no problem. Her eyes dry out quick though, so she bought some eyedrops that are made to hydrate your eyes. There’s multiple brands at any drugstore.

I could stick a flat stone in my eye and not be irritated…until about 15 minutes later when they dry out. I have no problem getting them in and out but my eyes get so dry after a short time that I can’t really see with the contacts anymore, everything is a blur. I’ve tested a number of different kinds, all new, and they were all more or less the same.

Yeah, add me to the dry eyes list. I have dry, allergic eyes with astigmatism, and I live someplace that is noted for its dryness. I might try the latest generation of contacts next time I visit the eye doctor - they usually give me free samples to try, and they never, ever work out. It’s a little disappointing, because I have absolutely no problem with putting contacts in or poking my eyeball or anything like that, and my vision with contacts truly is marvelous. Course, at this point, I look odd without my glasses on. Sigh.

Do keep trying!

I don’t have the dry eyes problem, but I tried for 3 years to be fitted with soft contact lenses. Brand after brand, pair after pair, until eventually giving up in utter frustration each year. Last year the ophthalmologist even went outside his purview and ordered a trial pair of hybird gas perm/soft lenses for me … and they didn’t work. Luckily I didn’t give up completely, because the optometrist this year hit the mark first try with these new Acuvue Advance for Astigmatism lenses (I swear that I don’t work for Acuvue – though when I raved about the lenses at my follow-up visit the doc said that I should work for them ;)). I’m not saying that they’ll work for you, I’m just saying don’t give up. :slight_smile: