Can humans absorb things through the mouth

Back in the day, my friends and I used to drop microdot acid in our eyes on the theory the trip would start quicker. Not so, but we still tripped.

Sorry for the hijack.

I don’t think I’ve ever really had an opportunity to share this story…

About 6 years ago I got a case of the hiccups that lasted for several days. They weren’t absolutely continuous, but I didn’t get much relief. I tried all the folk remedies to no avail before finally breaking down and going to my doc.

He prescribed Hyoscyamine and instructed me to put a pill under my tongue and let it completely dissolve.

Within just a couple of minutes of putting that pill under my tongue, the hiccups were gone. I don’t think I had to take more than one, but I did end up saving the rest, which never have failed me when I get a case of the hiccups that I can’t solve the old fashioned way.