Can I Sue?

Trishina’s mom, how’re you doing?

I’m old enough to remember those too. They happened last time I went out to dinner on Mother’s. Day. I also remember shifty service 3 decades ago? So what’s your point, because things were not universally better ‘back when’.

I too had great service at the restaurant on Mother’s Day. Also the Applebee’s that my daughters like going to has about the most attentive and proactive manager I have ever seen in a restaurant. He is constantly checking all the tables. If anything goes wrong with an order he immediately makes it right and takes it off the bill. Good service is around and its rewarded with returning customers.

It just so happens that I am good friends with Ebony who works at the Applebee’s on Flatbush Avenue, and suffice it to say she has a very different take on what happened that afternoon.

Time to come clean, Trinishana. They’ve got the whole thing on video.

I’m still concerned that we are missing baby’s syndactyly as the primary point of interest in the OP’s tale of woe.

Looks like kayaker learned a new word :wink:

Woe. I love it. I used to use whoa, but it didn’t parse right. Woe is moi.

(True story: I knew a 60 year old guy with syndactyly. He had surgery to separate the connected digits. After 60 years of living with it. I asked why he waited. He said it never really bothered him, but had started to be annoying. After 60 years.)

A 60 year-old guy undergoing
An operation to reverse digits joining
Said “My state of syndactyly
Has never impacted me
But now it’s just fucking annoying.”


Yes. Today’s jackpot is $463,871.29. Please step forward to the second window for payment. Remember, every suit you file enters you in our monthly progressive drawing, so good luck! Thank you for playing the ghetto lottery!


Well, if Susan was smiling, I might call her happy.


If my kids’ nanny* called an ambulance over a piece of broken glass, I would, in anticipation of the $500+ ambulance bill I’d be receiving, fire the nanny.

What I’d expect would be for the nanny to call me and let me know that my kid had gotten a minor cut from a piece of broken glass, and that the wound had been cleaned and bandaged. I’d then thank the nanny and forget about it until that evening when I kissed the wounded thumb.

  • My kids do not have a nanny.

If it was a 2-inch gash in the arm, then I could see calling an ambulance. However, if it can be treated with soap, water, a little neosporin and a standard band-aid, it’s an over-reaction. (and let’s not even touch on some of the dumb ways I treated myself to avoid wasting hours in an emergency room - electrical tape anyone?)

What I mean by sue happy, was, in my experience, some people look for things to sue others over. I know many, many people who do this. I am not Tanisha’s mommy, and sarcasm over ones opinion is not nice. I am not telling this woman to sue the restaurant, I was just telling her of my observances over my lifetime, that businesses do not treat accidents as they have in the past.

In my past, I know of no one suing for anything really, unless they were seriously hurt on someones property, such as a porch falling apart, paralyzing a young man (true story). Also, I had a friend hit in a cross walk by an 18 wheeler. Her family sued (she lost a leg, amongst other injuries). Outside of those 2 incidents, I never heard any outrages stories about suing.

I get pretty upset when I hear of crazy law suits. It makes it that much harder for someone with a legitimate complaint to be taken seriously.

Some stupid lawsuits I have witnessed:

My nephew running across a very busy street, wearing the pants hanging below the waist look. He tripped and fell, due to the fact that his damn pants were falling down. A car hit him, and my nephew was injured. But it was totally my nephews fault, so I feel he should not have sued.

My old friend Kelly, her kid was playing in the driveway unsupervised, fell and cut his hand open. He needed stitches. She sued because an old car was on the lot. How about you watch your damn kids Kelly!!!

Also my old friend Kelly, walking across the street with her baby daddy, a taxi turns a corner, and before he can stop, hits the baby daddy. The hit was so light though, that it did not even knock him down. Kelly called an ambulance and had baby daddy sue the taxi company. Sure, it was the drivers fault, but accidents happen. I felt so bad for that driver. Stupid Ass Kelly!!! She is the queen of lawsuits.

My point being, I am totally against crazy stupid lawsuits that tie up the courts, and have no legitimate reason other than to score some money. The other point is that businesses do not care about customers any longer FROM WHAT I SEE.

I have, in the past, worked in retail and the food industry. We were taught the customer is always right - to an extent. If the customer becomes hostile or insulting, then all bets are off. Now it seems - in my world anyway (according to some Applebee’s is a swell place, really???) service is different.

If you are brought a wrong drink and/or dish, and ask them to bring you the correct order, I have had waiters start arguing with me that what they brought me was what I ordered. I have heard of this happening to a lot of others too.

Also, when you make a special request (dressing on the side) there are actual waitstaff that will roll their eyes. I have worked in the industry, these customers are usually a pain in the ass, but you would never roll your eyes - not in front of the customers anyway.

I do not know about calling an ambulance for some glass, but we do not know the FULL situation. If there was a lot of glass, I would take the child to a doctor to be checked out. You can never be to careful.

My brother got a really bad infection from a simple scrape on his arm when he fell one time (he was drunk, and no he did not sue anyone). He was in the hospital for over a week. My husband’s friend was crashing at his cousins place late one night, and upon entering the apartment, was attacked - by the cat!!! He honest to God had to go to the hospital the next day, and he somehow got a really bad infection from one of the scratches. He was in the hospital longer than a week.

Knowing how fast an infection can develop, and not knowing if any glass was inbedded in the childs skin, I would of course want him to be seen by medical personell. If it was my own kid, I would tell them to toughen up, and just keep an eye on them for a few days.

But, unless we know ALL the facts, i.e. how much glass was on the table, if the child appeared to be in pain, if the bleeding was profuse or not clotting, are all things one would need to know to make a judgement call.

So bashing and calling people names is just really silly, if you do not know the whole story, and we are all just speculating. Unless you know ALL the facts, your opinion and assumptions are just that.

Applebees is a good clean restaurant, really? And you know someone who works there who is happy with there job? Now that, I find hard to believe, but because I do not know all the facts I shall abstain from calling you names, and shoving my opinion down your throat as facts. Besides, you would probably sue me.:dubious:

I already mentioned I would have called the parents if it had been me. And a visit to urgent care makes more sense that an ambulance. But I would have told the restaurant to call an ambulance and told them they were responsible for the bill (after they called of course).

I don’t know what the cut looked like, but a little bit of glass embedded under the skin can be a major thing. If someone else’s kid is in my care I’m going to pull out the stops. If it was my kid I’d tell him it was nothing and to quit whining. The standards are different. You’re a teacher aren’t you? What would you do if a kid was cut in your classroom?

Call the parent, absolutely. I’d only call an ambulance if I thought the injury were both severe and time-sensitive (well, actually it’d be my admin’s decision to make the call, but if it were my call, those would be my criteria). If the parent wants an ambulance to be called, they can let me know that.

She’s dead, Jim.

Or not coming back here, anyway. I bet.

Yeah, Vinyl Turnip is the reason we can never make any new friends.

Oh noes, sarcasm on the internet.

Given just the one side of this story, what more should the business have done? Grovelled at her feet? They did everything they could to accommodate what, IMNSHO, was a hysterical overreaction to a very minor boo-boo (again, just going from the OP). As I said, in a year or two, is the OP going to sue Bill DeBlasio (Mayor, NYC) because the pavement is made of concrete?

None of this is new to the 21st century. My personal feeling is just that people notice it more when they get older. Coming from a mixed race family, I can state with absolute certainty that our treatment has improved over the years across all types of establishments.

Not enough to be easily noticeable by the table busser, the seater, or the OP before being seated, but enough to be “everywhere” after the incident. Stated in the OP.

The OP related a story, which one would expect to be skewed in the OP’s favor, and wondered if she (assuming its a she, at least) could sue…over a boo-boo handled with a band aid. Started in GQ, where the simple yes/no answer was given (yes you can try), and moved to IMHO, where opinions are given (no real case and any attempt to sue would appear as an extortion attempt). So yeah, my opinion in “In My (Not So) Humble Opinion” is an opinion. Go figger.

One, I don’t know anyone who works at Applebees, nor if they are good clean restaurants. My guess is that like any other chain, certain restaurants will be better maintained and managed than others. Two, call me names all you want (but I do counsel you to be careful of doing so in IMHO). I’ve got a thick skin. Lastly, as a native NYer who lives in Queens and has family in Brooklyn (where Flatbush is located), my comments on the number of lawyers and their willingness to take on just about any case, while still opinions, are opinions based on decades of local experience.