Could someone survive being eviscerated, if they were close to medical attention? could the intestines be put back in?
IANAD - But I’d think the answer is yes. If they could get help in time.
You need to define your term better. Intestines can be put back in but other organs will be much more immediately life threatening if they were hacked out.
My guess is, if it happened in the Pit, and they had a thick skin, yes.
Years ago I read a book called “Brown Water, Black Berets”, which is about the Navy small boat sailors in Vietnam who were charged with patroling the rivers and deltas of the region. I seem to recall a story in that book about a sailor who was badly wounded to the point where his intestines had “fallen out”, and he survived the ordeal. I did a quick Google to see if my memory served, and I believe I have found a description of the incident:
From here:
Here’s the Beery homepage, with a link to a graphic medial photo following the incident:
Partial evisceration, sure. I’ve seen it done to pets involved in car accidents. Total evisceration, not a chance. That entails ripping out the liver and kidneys and detaching them from their blood suply. That’s certain death within minutes.
My wife survived a partial evisceration when her fresh C-section wound blew open on the way home from the hospital. She had a loop of intestine hanging out, but nothing was torn out/hurt. She wound up with a nasty hernia from it all, and now lacks a belly button because of the hernia repair.
I tell people that I know her inside and out.
And you’re still married? Unbelievable. :eek: :wally
And should you ever need to say you hate her guts…
(Kidding, kidding)
Just a word. We try not to use the “putz” smiley" in GQ. It tends to send a negative message.
I’m sure you were just adding to the humorous post by Vunderbob.
Holy hell!
This is why you shouldn’t eat beans and cabbage after a surgery.
I also tell people that I’m not afraid of Hell, because I’ve been married 19 years.
I know SamClem put the smackdown on you already, but what did I say that warranted the wally? That wasn’t a setup and a joke; it happened for real.
:: reads thread ::
I was just going to mention the hernia operation I had in my twenties, to keep a loop of intestine from dangling into my scrotum, but I think I’ll just shut up instead.
One of those boy scout magazines I read as a kid had a story about some guy who slipped off a car roof and somehow cut open his gut, so severely that his stomach & intestines piled out of the wound. Naturally, there was a plucky boy scout nearby who immediately administered first aid and kept the guy alive until the paramedics arrived.
It was supposed to be a tale of heroism, showing the qualities a young cub scout should aspire to…but all I can remember is how bloody traumatic that story is for some 8-year-old kid to read!!!
Sorry if it was uncalled for (never ran into that little cultural rule here b4). I knew it was real, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a setup & a joke. You posted a three sentence paragraph explaining the situation. Then you created a new paragraph with a one sentence punchline. Everything indicated that you said it jokingly, both here and when you tell other people in real life about that little episode. Sorry to both samclem and yourself if you took it the wrong way, but I don’t think I took anything the wrong way. My use of the smilies was to indicated shock (even though I thoroughly enjoyed your off-color humor) and amazement that your wife would put up with such verbal treatment. She must be a great gal. My apologies anyhow.
The one liner was a punchline, but it was more of a bonus to the previous truthful paragraph, than anything else. Besides, she used the line first.
The whole episode is now a source of amusement to us when we tell the story, but some people think we’re crazy for laughing at a serious situation. You know how cartoon character’s eyes bug out when the anvil is dropped on their foot? When VunderWife’s incision blew, she did that in real life. It’s hard not to laugh afterwards; she laughs the hardest.
Last week I was on the scene of a motorcycle accident. His gut was sliced open with bits hanging out. (he went over a gaurd rail with I-beam support posts with sharp corners on top)
A few days later I visited him in the hospital, and he was in the orthopedics ward for the mangled leg, the sliced gut not being the main problem any more…doing “better than I aughta be” and in reasonably good spirits BTW.
For the rider/dopers, I’m pretty sure the Aerostitch suit saved the guys life. It only had a small tear and probably limited the wound to the surface. Also tied the suit off to the guard rail to keep him from sliding down near-cliff while waiting for ambulance. Yes I was a boy scout, and yes the knots work just like the handbook says they will.