Can't we get it straight?

I don’t think it was all that condescending, and you were posting some uninformed and rather pointless speculation. That really doesn’t help anybody. Why encourage anybody to worry that the board is going away when there’s zero reason to think so? Quoting Ed Zotti from a couple of weeks ago:

It sounds like they’re taking a page from “So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish.”

If posters are no longer allowed to post uninformed speculation, that should cut the server overload issues way down.

I may be talking out of my ass, but I don’t think it’s that bad. The costs may not be all that much. The paid staff is minimal; I think only Ed Zotti and TubaDiva are paid, and they’re not even full-time. Internet connectivity costs and storage costs I imagine are not very much; the site is entirely text, so there’s not much bandwidth involved and even the entire database is probably only a few gigabytes. Management at Sun-Times Media may look at this site as a growth opportunity. Going paid-member-only would be a mistake, as that would drastically reduce page views.

In other words we’d benefit two different ways. :wink: In the meantime, please think carefully about what you’re saying. There’s no reason to think it’s even possible, so encouraging people to worry about it is really not the way to go. We apologize again for the trouble.

And since we don’t know, let’s get busy worrying based on nothing. Is that the general concept? I don’t think that makes a lot of sense. Ed Zotti posted two weeks ago that management was getting estimates on new servers because demand is too high for what we have now. That’s more factual than ‘there’s been a change of ownership and maybe they’ll want a busy and growing board to go away because Idunno.’

Marley, you tricky devil.

I am running Fiddler, a debugging program for Windows. When I get these board crash events I get the following sort of statements. Sorry, Fiddler doesn’t seem to allow me to paste it’s message, or I don’t yet know how. Here is the message from a crash a few minutes ago:

Not quite sure what this means, maybe a resident geek can translate.

Copying Jerry’s announcement: