Capt. Jack Sparrow (spoilers)

Because it wasn’t a carnival ride (pedantic perhaps, but it’s a huge difference).

With that said, the results are impressive all the same

What the story there?

At one point there was going to be a movie based on the Monkey Island series of computer games, (which featured a young pirate, a female governor (as opposed to a governor’s daughter) and a ghost pirate who is cursed). That movie never got made but the writer for it became the writer for Pirates of the Caribbean.

Cracked article, first entry

Kind of an overview of the situation.

OK, yeah, I guess that makes sense. Thanks again, everyone.

  1. It was a book before it was a ride (thank mrs. ministryman for that tidbit).
  2. They’re releasing a movie loosely based on a board game (Battleship), so anything goes.

Wait…was that a whooshing sound I heard? :smack:

And they’re reusing the models from Transformers.

I think you’re confusing the first PotC movie (Curse of the Black Pearl) and the fourth (On Stranger Tides)…Black Pearl is explained above - an adaptation of a computer game, The Curse of Monkey Island, repurposed into a PotC movie (with a stop as a spec script unrelated to either license (but with elements borrowed from MI) on the way). On Stranger Tides was based on the unrelated book of that name, and had the PotC cast grafted on.

PotC: On Stranger Tides is not actually based on the Tim Powers novel On Stranger Tides. The script being developed apparently had enough elements in common with the basic plot of the novel (Blackbeard and the Fountain of Youth) that Disney felt it best to buy the rights to the novel to avoid potential legal problems, but the stories are pretty different and the characters even more so.

The first *PotC *movie actually reminded me more of the novel On Stranger Tides than did the fourth one. The whole zombie pirate thing is a fairly obvious idea that any number of people could have thought of independently, but the plot of the novel involves zombie pirates kidnapping a girl named Elizabeth and taking her to a special location where they will perform a magical ritual involving her blood.

Looking at Wikipedia just now I see that the creator of the Monkey Island games has said he was inspired by the novel On Stranger Tides, so I guess it all comes back around on itself.

Heh. It was a video game before it was a movie. Kind of.

And the videogame was inspired by the ride, ironically, according to that same article.

I…think we just formed a causation loop. Hold on tight.