Careers that just simply aren't for you.

UK Prime Minister (or US President).

You have to suck up to the public to get votes, get funding from special interest groups (who expect a return), scratch the back of your political colleagues and live your life in a spotlight.
You start almost from scratch and get blamed for stuff early on that you didn’t have a chance to do anything about.
You have little control over most World events.
Towards the end of your last term, you’re a lame-duck.
People constantly protest against you (and you need armed bodyguards).
At the end, all they remember is Iraq / Falklands / Vietnam / Suez…

I’ll go for two big ones (although I feel that accountant goes without saying): doctor and lawyer. I love biology, so I thought for a while about being a doctor. The thing is, I couldn’t deal with the stress of having people’s life in my hands, or giving people Bad News. Nuh-uh.

When I was nearing the end of my undergrad in classics, I got a lot of “are you going to be a lawyer?” Two people I knew were either entering or leaving law school after getting BAs in Classics. My answer was always NO. NO NO NO. There’s nothing wrong with the life or the training or anything like that, it’s just so incredibly boring to me.

I am currently pursuing one of the other professions listed here, though, so to each their own!

Actress, model, singer or anybody else that faces rejection on that level on a daily basis.

Funeral home
School teacher
Anything in a factory or Warehouse including management
Old peoples home
Small animals vet(pets as opposed to farm animals)
Mental instituion

Because it didn’t occur to me. A job that involves getting punched in the face is definately not for me.

A girl I went to high school with became a doctor. She is very friendly and outgoing, class president, cheerleader yadda yadda. In school she realized she hated people and is now a coroner.

Two of my internet friends are beginning Law School.

I cannot imagine choosing a career that is 90% of the time like doing homework. Ugh.

meat packer
air traffic controller
roofer, window washer, trapeze artist, high rise construction worker, pilot, tightrope walker, paratrooper (see where this is going?)

Any kind of corporate job. I have had computer jobs at home (web designer) with 12 hours a day of sitting behind a desk, but I am just incapable of surviving the whole Dilbert scene. The only one time I tried it, I lasted 2 weeks (and it was a super cool company)

Anything remotely medical and/or anything involving blood and icky bits.
Anything requiring lots of public speaking.
Anything involving children.

I didn’t go through college to do anything on Dirty Jobs.

I’d have a much harder time dealing with the families than the corpses.

Kindergarten teacher. I like individual kids (if not spoiled rotten), but herds of same make me channel the witch from Hansel and Gretel…

Doctor. Lawyer. Salesperson. (Well, I loved working in a bookstore, but that doesn’t usually require the hard sell. Then I worked as a mortgage processor and I had people try to convince me to switch to the sales side. NO THANKS.) Accountant. Computer anything.

I teach elementary school, though - I’m surprised to see so many people say they couldn’t do this! I think it’s pretty fun. (Usually.)

Salesperson. I can’t stand the idea of trying to persuade someone to buy something when they’re not already sure they want it (or are fairly sure they don’t). I’d rather work in an abbatoir.

Me, too. I did my time in customer service jobs. It was particularly awful in insurance.

Now, I deal only with fellow staff if I have need to or if I feel like some social interaction and it suits me fine.

You and me would be bunkmates in the brig.
I could do preschool and teaching of kids, it’s the parents that I probably would go all postal on.
I know that I could never teach sunday school because sarcasm would take over and I would be all, " When Jesus rose from the dead he said, " Giveth chocolate Easter bunnies and jelly beans along with a week off of school." There would be other religions, and Evolution, taught as well and I probably would just give the kids chocolate covered expresso beans before the left to rejoin their parents.
I do know that if by some bizarre quirk on the Universe and I suddenly found myself working in a MEGA COLASSAL CHURCH as bookkeeper ( math and religion are my Voldemort) I would funnel money away from this place towards the Gay Activist stuff.