Carnivorous Plants

I have a Nepenthes hanging in my kitchen. I think I’ve had it for a year, and it is thriving.

Water can be important. Mine (same goes for fly traps, and I’m not sure what else) requires purified water.

The title of this thread freaks me the fuck out. I keep reading it as:

Carnivorous Pants

My Dad gave me a rooted cutting of Nepenthes sanguinia at Christmas, and it’s survived being transported for several days bare root wrapped in damp tissue, being potted up into what I had to hand -coir- plonked on a windowsill and watered only with tap water. It’s thriving.

He actually rooted the cutting in tap water as well, and no, the tap water there is not lovely soft water, I’ve tested it plenty when I used to live there and keep fish. Most Nepenthes would have given up and died with a fraction of the neglect that one’s just getting on with; all Nepenthes are not created equal when it comes to toughness. If you find a good supplier, ask them to recommend a good beginner species.

I’ve grown Darlingtonia californica by the simple method of sticking it outside in a pot with a saucer and forgetting about it as well. It lived for a few years, until some jerk builders put up scaffolding on it. That tends to kill most plants though.

Some carnivorous plants are delicate temperamental things which need exacting care, but if you pick the right one for the area, they’re easy.

I hate you.