Cast Neil Gaiman's AMERICAN GODS

The perfect Fat Charlie would be Adrian Lester, although at 45 he may be too old for the part.

(Incidentrally, I was at a lecture by Neil Gaiman a few years back, and he said that he had originally intended Charlie to be an American. After starting to write, however, he realized that he couldn’t write dialogue that would be convincing as spoken by a young black American; however, he could write dialog that could be spoken by a young black Englishman, so he changed Charlie to British.)

It wouldn’t make any sense for Wednesday to be African-American. You may be misremembering a different discussion: There was some talk of making a movie of Anansi Boys, except that the studio wanted to make Fat Charlie white (which obviously misses the entire point, and Gaiman cut his support over it).

I wouldn’t automatically rule out Samuel L. Jackson as Anansi, but I have no idea how he is with comedy. It’d be a risky casting. And I, for one, am really surprised to learn that Jackson is older than Murphy-- I think that Murphy with the proper make-up could pull it off much better than Jackson could. But if we’re talking “old black comedians”, how about Bill Cosby?

I thought I remembered Shadow being described as part black in the book?

No book on me, but I believe Shadow’s mother was black, or at the very least non-white. Odin was white. Shadow himself was sort of a multiracial-can’t-quite-place-it look, much like everything else about him.

I’d really like to see Lennie James as Mr. Nancy, mostly because I’d really like to see Lennie James in pretty much anything. (You know, the truth is, Hugh Laurie would make the perfect Mr. Nancy, except for that one thing.)

I’d like to see Kevin McKidd as Shadow. He needs work other than the wretched Greys Anatomy. As much as I like Christopher Waltz, I could see Ray Stevenson as the wolfish Mr. Wednesday.

Tim Roth, for Loki.

You, Sir (or Madam) are correct. I was wrong. I didn’t remember he had said that about Anansi Boys.

Philip Seymour Hoffman (RIP) would have been perfect for Techno Boy.

Eddie Murphy as Anansi, he’s probably something close to the right age by now.

When I read the book, that was exactly who I pictured based on the description given. I read somewhere later (probably here) that Gaiman pictured him too!

Another reason to go with Dwayne Johnson, assuming he’s got the acting chops. Everything I’ve seen him in has been…less than subtle in tone, but he’s certainly got the look. And Shadow is repeatedly referred to as a “big guy” so your average short-but-muscular action type wouldn’t do.

I like Gene Hackman as Wednesday, and I always pictured Hinzelmann as Richard Dreyfus or a similar type (actually more Jack Nance in Twin Peaks, but he’s dead, alas).

I suppose we have to drag Graham Greene out again to play Whiskey Jack. And Hugo Weaving as Mr Town is a huge temptation but would probably distract from the story immensely.

As for Anansi Boys, I don’t get why people are casting white guys here. I think Danny John-Jules (best known as Cat in Red Dwarf but currently playing a Caribbean policeman in Death in Paradise) would be excellent - he’s got the accent and the mischievous look down pat. Adrian Lester would be good as Fat Charlie except for the small problem of not actually being fat. And Orlando Jones (who is only about four months older than Lester) as Spider.

Sorry, that part is spoken for.

I like Noel Clarke for Fat Charlie. He’s got a good track record at playing put-upon losers who turn into badasses.

Ooh, yeah, he’d be perfect. I keep thinking that he’s too young, but then, Red Dwarf was a long time ago.

Nailed it. He would be perfect.

Is Fat Charlie fat? I’m remembering it’s an ironic nickname.

You know? I’d forgotten but I think you’re right. Even better.

ETA: I believe Danny John-Jules is in his fifties but he’s gone gray and thin enoughto play older without too much makeup, and Anansi doesn’t have to look a particular age.

Danny John-Jules would be a great Anansi.

How about Jeff Bridges for Wednesday? I think Hackman is a little too old. And Hopkins is a little too short in my opinion.

While Kevin McKidd is the wrong colour for Shadow I think he’d make a great Mad Sweeney

Anyone got any suggestions for Laura?

I thought about Bridges - he’s got the look but not sure about the voice. It needs some gravitas and darkness to it. Maybe Brian Cox?

Now we’re talking!

Laura needs to be thin and sad and sweet but with an undertone of steel - a woman who could break your heart and your neck. There must be a lot of actresses like that, surely?

Fat Charlie was a little bit on the thick side as a kid, but never really fat per se. It wasn’t an ironic nickname so much as the name his father called him, and the names his father gave stuck.

Maybe Natalie Dormer could be a good Laura? She’s been great as Margaery Tyrell in Game of Thrones.

I was trying to remember the nickname he gave to a dog that made the owner hate him. Can anyone remember?

Actually, Eddie Murphy probably would be a good Anansi, just with a bit of age makeup. And he certainly knows his way around latex age makeup.
