Cecils answer why H in J H Christ

aHA! I’ve been looking for a good sig line.

Umm, why didn’t my sig line show up just then?

This thing needs to be put out of it’s misery…

For the amusement of those who may not be familiar with Madame Blavatsky, here is a passage from her own supporters in the Theosophy society describing how she did her research:

(Bolding mine)

All the wonderful claptrap about odd gods in Egypt and confusions of names and associations between Egypt and India are the product of Madame Blavatsky gazing into the astral plane and reading books that were hundreds or thousands of miles away. (Good research if you can manage it.)

Man, I could have used that in college years back when the temperature outside was about 4 F and the Library was a half mile walk across campus, with the wind blowing in off Lake Ontario!

It also reminds me of Joseph Smith Jr.'s method for translating the golden plates.

Hey, Tom, can I start a thread on Mme. Blavatsky’s Lemurians? Pleeeeeeze? :wink:

Hey! That’s what I do all day long. Only I calls 'em online databases. She was just ahead of her time. :slight_smile:

Definition of the Akashic Records. And the Akashic Records website. Ain’t the Internet wonderful! :wink:

Dam, everything I’ve ever done or thought. Man!! Do you suppose there’s a delete key?