Celebrities who openly loathe each other

Harvey Keitel and Edward James Olmos.

Apparently, when Lorraine Bracco dumped Keitel for Olmos, Keitel went and got a restraining order forbidding Olmos to alone in the same room as his (Keitel’s) daughter. Apparently, Olmos had been accused of fondling a 14-year-old friend of the family then paid the family off…

Here’s a link just so you don’t think I’m making this stuff up:


I am completely drawing a blank on the names here, but the man and woman who played Lucy and Desi’s next door neighbors absolutely hated each other during the entire run of the show…so I have heard.

He said something like “Die Another Day” was the worst song he had ever heard in his life.

Um…not to rag on you, but did you read the OP?

The Coolio/Weird Al thing apparently derives from a misunderstanding. According to Al, he asked permission to parody “Gangster’s Paradise” (as he does for his parodies, even though it’s not legally required), someone from Coolio’s management said it was okay, Al recorded and released “Amish Paradise”, and then discovered that Coolio was not so cool with the idea after all. I believe Al has apologized to Coolio, and no longer performs the song in his live concerts. So Al has no grievance with Coolio (apart from a mild annoyance at the volte face by his management); I don’t know what Coolio’s current views are.

Vivian Vance and William Frawley?

*Originally posted by jr8 *
**Um…not to rag on you, but did you read the OP?

Well, that was an interesting article. I only heard the story second hand.

Brothers Ray and Dave Davies of the Kinks. I read somewhere that they punched each other out on stage. Don’t know if they are still estranged.

So Madonna hates him for telling the truth?

Oh, and Dave Davies and Mick Avery of the Kinks. Apparently Mick threw a cymbal frisbee style at Dave once and almost got him in the neck.

Apparently Elton John hasn’t heard Madonna’s “Mysterious Stranger.”

Originally posted by jr8:
Um…not to rag on you, but did you read the OP?
Oops. Obviously not carefully enough! Sorry about that…

QE2 and Fergie.

Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable reportedly ate eat garlic and such before they did a kissing scene in GWTW.

Shannon Doherty and the rest of the SAG.

Tatum O’Neal and John McEnroe.

Elton John and Tina Turner.

Madonna and Joni Mitchell.

George Clooney and Bill O’Reilly.

Conan O’Brien and Michael Bolton

How about Eminem and Triumph The Insult Comic Dog? :smiley:

Joni Mitchell and Jackson Browne

Geraldo Rivera and Dennis Miller.

I don’t know if they’ve patched up or not, but GR got really pissed about Dennis ragging on him back during the Weekend Update days.

Miller, of course, called him out on it on the air. He read an except of an article where GR said something like, “Most of my detractors don’t bother me, except for that Dennis Miller guy. I’d like to choke him like a chicken.”

To which Dennis responded with something to the effect of, “Geraldo, babe, haven’t you learned you never get anywhere by choking your chicken?”

Actually Lorraine Newman was there and looking mighty fine I might add. She riffed on him pretty good.

Pat Metheny vs. Kenny G. Hilarious stuff:

Now that’s a rant!

Kelly Osbourne and Natalie Imbruglia. Kelly referred to Natalie as “that c-nt” just after the ARIA (Australian Record Industry Association) Awards last year, at which she was a presenter.

Apparently Kelly is a good friend of Daniel Johns of Silverchair, and once Natalie started going out with him, she (Natalie) was pretty rude to her (Kelly).

  • Bubba.

Yeah, Fawley would constantly refer to Vance as “Fat ass” and for something like two years on the show, the two of them refused to touch one another even on camera.

My favorite story about Vance, though, was that Lucy had it written into Vance’s contract that she had to remain at least 10 pounds heavier than Mrs. Arnez. Still, those two remained friends.

Most of you are too young to remember, but the feud between writers Truman Capote and Jacqueline Susanne (sp) was incredible and played out on the “Tonight Show”. The first time the word “faggot” was used on network television in reference to a gay was on “Johnny Carson” when Susanne was trashing the author of In Cold Blood. And who can ever forget Capote’s comment a couple night’s previous on the same show about the author of Valley of the Dolls looking like “a truck driver in drag”? I had not heard so many bleeps on a late night television program until Madonna visited David Letterman.

After Susanne died a few months later, Capote tried to claim that it was all a joke the two authors were playing on the public to help increase sales of their books, but friends of mine in the business said that Susanne so hated Capote that she carried a small pistol in her purse just in case they ran into each other. They said they didn’t “think” she would have used it to shoot him, but she would have enjoyed threatening him with it. I also heard that he hid in a bathroom one time when she showed up at a party he was attending.


Heard a radio interview with Coolio a couple years ago, he said the whole thing was blown way out of proportion, and that he held no animosity towards Al, and wished him nothing but luck and success in the future.