Celebrity Death Pool 2020

Alex Trebek dying so soon after Sean Connery is a particularly weird bit of synchronicity, I must say.

If there was a way of doing it respectfully, SNL needs to show their Trebek and Connery greeting each other in heaven and walking off…only to show:

Connery has slapped a sing on Trebek’s back saying something like, “I’ve already nailed your mother, Trebek!”

It’s probably not possible to do something like that respectful/tasteful way, but I’d love SNL to somehow acknowledge it.

Baker - I should have pointed it out earlier, but I changed my user name from Dolores Reborn to Rebo a while back.

I didn’t even think about this! Baker, I’ve had a name change too - I was formerly Jeep’s Phoenix.

I’m still me.

Next time I post a score I’ll make sure the names are changed.

But was the wrong spelling pronounced the same as the correct one? :slightly_smiling_face:

Tom Heinsohn, Celtics player, coach, and broadcaster, dead at 86.

Thanks Baker!

Carol Arthur, actor most famous for playing the school marm in Mel Brooks’s “Blazing Saddles” as well as Safety Sadie in PSAs from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety commission gives 15 points and a unique pick to kopek.

Baron Wolman, pioneering photographer for Rolling Stone magazine leaves 17 points to the ether.

Damn it - kopek finally got points this year and he’s not here to gloat. :cry: (If you don’t know, kopek died in February - I’m Mrs. Kopek.)


As the saying goes, points is points. I feel like there should be a special award for collecting points from the great beyond.


For an unusual post in the Death Pool thread: I am deeply sorry for your loss.

I fully support a “beyond the grave” type award for anyone who claims points after dying themselves. Note: not making light of a board-death at all.

Kopek to Carol Arthur: “Hey, what are you doing here? Woohoo, POINTS!”

Kopek would be greatly honored to receive such an award, especially if it’s the first time such an award is given! Trust me on this.

Every year, he and I would tease each other on the board about who had more points. I believe I beat him every year but I’m happy to let him win this time, even if it is posthumously (damn it).

As his wife, do you not stand to inherit his points?

Proposition: “The Kopek Sometimes Annual Beyond the Grave Award”