Celebrity names with many appearances of one letter

Especially since, despite what Wikipedia says, that’s not his birth name. He was born simply Brian Peter George Eno; the rest of it is an affectation drawn from the name of the Catholic school he attended.

According Mr. Woodward, it is spelled with 6 "O"s: EdWood WoodWood.

Depends on whether or not you consider “Junior” to be an essential part of his name.

I don’t know whether to give you a polite golf clap or get a giant hook and pull you off stage.

I know nobody gives a shit about consonants, but Bob Bainborough has 4 b’s.
(He plays Dalton Humphrey on The Red Green Show. Go to 03:00 on the clip.)

Peggy Guggenheim and Lillian Hellman have five consonants apiece.

Hey, that was good material. I say we should double his pay.

Do we have a cite for this?

Eno’s biography, On Some Faraway Beach by David Sheppard.

What about Barack Obama’s four A’s.

I’ll believe that when I see an official copy of his transcript.