Change in conservative fears about higher education?


She said it was unsolicited, like catcalling.

“Just like catcalling, I don’t owe a response to unsolicited requests from men with bad intentions.

And also like catcalling, for some reason they feel entitled to one. ”


I’m happy to get into the gun control debate with you in a separate thread.

To get back to the OP I think the fears have changed and reason is pure perception.

As others have said, actual college simply bears no resemblance to the way it is portrayed by those pandering to people who didn’t go - it can be and is portrayed as a weird foreign land. And as always, weird foreign lands are excellent settings for made up stories about monsters and sirens and elves and evil wizards.

Fears have changed because perceptions have changed and perceptions have changed because US society has polarised. The reasons it has polarised are a subject for wider debate but I think that the discovery that one can tap into a lucrative mass market by poking the enlarged amygdala of conservatives is relevant. Telling conservative parents their youth will not merely be seduced but actually come under attack if they go to college gets a bigger reaction.

No, she didn’t. She compared Shapiro’s attitude (“you must respond to me when I demand you respond to me!”) to the attitude of catcallers, but she did not liken a debate with Shapiro to sexual harassment.

I didn’t realize that Ben Shapiro went on Joe Rogan to say things he didn’t believe. I thought what he said on Joe Rogan was his own opinion. If it isn’t his own opinion, whose is it?

I want to know if colleges have changed, as people on social media are claiming.

Seems like the concensus is “no”.

This sounds like there has been a change:

If damuriajashi is the only person you’re going to listen to, them maybe just PM him to ask his opinion next time and save everyone from wasting time replying to you.

Catcalling is sexual harrassment, she likened it to catcalling. Ergo she likened it to sexual harassment.

Here is a link to the catcalling request for a debate:


Yes she did.

We can start another thread about it if you like but she was definitely comparing his request for a debate to catcalling, a form of sexual harrassment.

Well you actually specifically said:

“Do you think this is correct (that the specific fears have changed, not that they are reasonable). And why the change?”.

So you very specifically asked about change in fears not change in college. Anyway, if you now want views on whether college has relevantly changed my view is, “no, not much if at all”. And I am very skeptical of damuriajashi’s reporting that:

“Listening to my nephews and nieces, there is no longer the sense that people who disagree with them have different values or opinions. The sense I get is that the people who disagree with them are to some extent bad people.”

People and college have always been like that to some extent. And not like that to some extent.

So you are making this claim based on something you think you heard on a show you don’t have a link to or any context for?


Please do, it’s way off topic in this one.

I think he is saying that there is in fact no consensus.
I don’t think conservative kids are getting beaten up or anything but they are being vilified for their conservative beliefs more than I think they used to be.

It’s not like college republicans is a new thing but these days I think it’s harder to be “out” about it.

  • While majorities favor more viewpoint diversity and free-speech norms, an intolerant faction of roughly a quarter of students believe it is okay to silence or suppress some widely held views that they deem wrong.
  • Students across political perspectives engage in classroom self-censorship.
  • Students harbor divisive stereotypes about classmates with different beliefs, and a substantial minority are not open to engaging socially with classmates who don’t share their views.
  • Disparaging comments about political conservatives are common.

The point is that the particular aspect of catcalling to which she was comparing the debate request was its aggressive insistence, not its sexual nature.

Ocasio-Cortez herself made that distinction very clear, but that clarity is lost in your description of her response. Your phrasing seems to imply that you think Ocasio-Cortez thought Shapiro’s debate request meant he was creeping on her or something, which is not consistent with what she said.

Yes but the point is not whether the things found to occur in this study exist but whether anything has changed.

For what it’s worth, at least in my judgment a similar study would have found the same when I was in college 35 years ago. It’s pretty standard stuff.