Changing names, removing statues while avoiding 1984-ism

You’re still ignoring the armed rabble on the right.

There is when they’ve decided that the BLM protesters in the street, who were headed for the mayor’s house and had zero interest in theirs, were some sort of threat which needed a semi-automatic rifle and a pistol pointed at them.

If those two gun totin’ idiots had been part of Madam Mayor’s security rather than lawyers living down the street, then you might have a point.

As lawyers, they should have known better. This is going to limit prospective clients to like-minded induhviduals.

What “large scale destruction and violence”? After some initial breakouts of looting, which were almost universally condemned, there’s been a handful of minor league property destructive incidents. And almost all of the violence against persons has been from the right.

Yes, there are mixed opinions on destroying monuments to white supremacism (while almost universal condemnation of the very few non white supremacist statues, like one for Grant, damaged). That’s entirely reasonable considering our history - it was an act of property destruction that sparked the creation of this country, after all. That stuff is in the country’s DNA. But the incidents are few enough that they can all be individually discussed in this thread of a few dozen posts.

Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies. Rivers and seas boiling.
Forty years of darkness. Earthquakes, volcanoes…The dead rising from the grave.
Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together – mass hysteria.

…Who are we going to call?


The problem is that sometimes for change to happen the old order must be destroyed. This is one of those times. The statues are permanent propaganda of the old order. The old order is maintained by those currently in power. Destroying the statues is an acceptable substitute for armed rebellion.

Oh no! The old order got to him in the middle of a sentence! CRANE MUST NOT BE SILENCED!

Edit came to the rescue!

And now Erdagon wants to change the Hagia Sophia back to a Mosque to revive his political fortunes and assert himself as a defender of Islam.

The Turkish Court delayed the decision for 15 days.

Good thing the mob was able to remove this racist symbol of the old order dominated by the so-called white male patriarchy. Its antlers were a constant reminder to the antlerless of their inferiority.

Concerning armed rebellion, the Marxists and anarchists don’t want that. They want to subvert legitimate protest in order to advance a bigoted, destructive, internally inconsistent and ignorant agenda under the aegis of the idea of equality. It’s farcical and counterproductive.

As bad as the mob is their destructive enablers in mayor’s offices and governor’s mansions in the blue cities and states are 10 times as bad. Funny how even their tunes change when the horde shows up at their residences. Then, the protection of property and life is important.

Mississippi is changing her flag and confederate monuments are being torn down left and right. Remember, all of this is thanks to direct action and civil disobedience. It really works.

I just hope these public and prominent concessions to social decency don’t end up satisfying the public. Deep changes to the criminal justice system is sorely needed too. Perhaps what isn’t done though social action can be done through the ballot box.

Eh, the Founding Fathers were a rebellious, violent, mob too. Don’t like it, don’t be born in a country founded by whiny elite English Protestants willing to kill for their ideals, with their descendants fetishizing this peculiar version of ‘freedom’.

Google Photos

Imma just leave this here.

Bravery means nothing without reference to its goal. 12th SS Panzer Division “Hitlerjugend” fought skillfully in Normandy, but were hardly admirable. Same with the Confederate Army.

Precisely the reason that the police need to raid football and basketball stadiums, and break up the games with tear gas. Sure some claim that most people who watch sports are peaceful but evidence shows that they are really mostly into violence and property destruction.

[quote=“UltraVires, post:60, topic:912444, full:true”]But I can still look at some of the ballsy and truly heroic stuff that those guys did

It doesn’t matter whether you think there were some reasons to admire people who dedicated themselves to an evil cause. Admire them in your heart if you wish. That’s not even close to being a reason to preserve memorials to them in public places of honor.

What does that have to do with the insidious concept of political correctness, the destruction of history and language, and 1984 ism? Sure, crack down on sports hooligans as well. I have no problem with that.

Sorry, based on your post I thought we had moved on from the targeted removal of racist idolatry, to blaming BLM movement for the actions of opportunists who may not be actually associated with them. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall any looting, raping, shooting, burning of buildings, assault and murder when these statues were being torn down.

Who’s trying to destroy history?

People are trying to teach it. The actual history; not the idealized version I, and possibly you, got handed in grade school.

538 has a great data-filled look at the origin of Confederate statues: Confederate Statues Were Never Really About Preserving History | FiveThirtyEight

To sum up – it was mostly racism.

Either crack down on BLM because a minuscule number of people who claim to follow them do destructive things, and also crack down on sports fans because a minuscule number of people who follow sports do destructive things. Or, do not paint everyone in a movement by the actions of the worst of them.

Collective judgement and punishment are the favorite tools of authoritarians, you shouldn’t be so glib in suggesting them.