Childhood Feud [Closed]

Even though I was a kid in the general time frame of The Brady Bunch and The Partridge Family I never watched 'em, so I’ll wait for the next one.

  1. Marsha
  2. Peter
  3. Sunshine Day
  4. Bass
  5. Candlestick
  6. Joanie
  7. Exidor
  8. Stayin’ Alive
  9. Disprove
  1. Marsha
  2. Peter
  3. Keep On Keep on
  4. Guitar (not bass)
  5. But
    6 rope
    7 Joanie
  6. Orson
  7. Staying Alive
  1. Marcia
  2. Bobby
  3. Here’s the story…
  4. Drums
  5. Box car?
    6 Lead pipe
    7 Joanie
  6. Laverne
  7. Night Fever
  8. Disprove
  9. I can’t think of any other characters, but I know Mork was on Happy Days with Laverne and Shirley.
  1. Marcia
  2. Peter
  3. the theme song
  4. guitar
  5. caboose
    6 candlestick
    7 Marian
  6. Exidor
  7. Staying Alive
    10 Prove

M’kay … this is a bit beyond my childhood and more into my adulthood. LOL

  1. Marcia Marcia Marcia!!!
  2. They -did- sing the theme song, at one point! :smiley:
  3. a guess!
  4. also a guess - have no idea what Conjunction Junction is … but cabooses are way cool, even though they don’t use them any more IRL. :frowning:
  5. I had to pick Exidor … he was crazy, but cool.
    and of course black jelly beans prove the existance of a supreme being. :smiley:

I couldn’t resist! :wink:

  1. Jan
  2. Greg
  3. We Wish You a Merry Christmas*
  4. bass guitar
  5. and
  6. revolver
  7. Joanie
  8. Mirth
  9. Stayin’ Alive
  10. prove

*I am SO reaching on that one.

  1. Cindy
  2. Bobby
  3. Time to Change
  4. Tambourine
  5. And
  6. Lead pipe
  7. Joanie
  8. Orson
  9. Stayin’ Alive
  10. Disprove

Who’s childhood is this Feud supposed to be? Certainly not mine.

While I was able to handle the Boomer Feud, this is a little too specific for me. Good luck all, I’ll catch you on the next round.

These two links should explain what “Conjunction Junction” is, and what the favorite cars might have been.



  1. Marcia
  2. Peter
  3. “Sunshine Day”
  4. Bass
  5. And
  6. Rope
  7. Joanie
  8. Orson
  9. Stayin’ Alive
  10. Disprove

Ah, that helps. I could only remember the first phrase of the song.

  1. Name a female child in the Brady household

  2. Name a male child in the Brady household

  3. Name a song that the Brady children sang

  4. What instrument did Danny Partridge play

  5. Name one of the conductor’s three favorite cars in ‘Conjunction Junction’
    6 Name a murder weapon from Clue
    7 Other than Ritchie what is the first name of a member of the Cunningham family.

  6. Name a non-title character from Mork and Mindy

  7. Name a Bee Gees song from the Saturday Night Fever album.
    10 Do black licorice jelly beans prove or disprove the existence of a kind and loving God?

  8. Marsha

  9. Greg

  10. Time to Change

  11. Guitar

  12. if

  13. Candlestick

  14. Joanie

  15. Blank

  16. Tragedy

  17. prove

  1. Marsha
  2. Greg
  3. Time to Change
  4. Guitar
  5. And
  6. Lead Pipe
  7. Joanie
  8. Orson
  9. Staying Alive
  10. Prove

In order to keep improving my scores in feuds I’m going to pass on this one. Nick at night or tv land only help so much.

  1. Marsha
  2. Peter
  3. Sunshine Day
  4. bass guitar
  5. and
    6 candlestick
    7 Howard
  6. Orson
  7. Stayin’ Alive
    10 disprove
  1. Cindy
  2. Peter
  3. Sunshine Day
  4. Bass
  5. Caboose
  6. Lead pipe
  7. Joanie
  8. Conrad? (Mindy’s dad)
  9. Stayin’ Alive
  10. Disprove*
  • Not that it needed disproving, of course.

From the OP

  1. Alice
  2. Wayne
  3. MacArthur Park
  4. Didgeridoo
  5. Thomas
  6. Poison
  7. Arthur
  8. Uncle Martin
  9. A Fifth of Beethoven
  10. Og Smash

3.Sunshine Day
4.Bass Guitar
9.Stayin Alive