Christianity will solve community and societal problems

Didn’t Jesus say that? Oh, wait, I see what you did there.

Is there anything that gives these religions a bigger black eye? I would have to say I can’t think of anything right now.

Which is really unfortunate, because it probably turns off a good number of people, and gives ammunition to their critics. :smack:

Yeah, basically I just have to echo many of the sentiments already expressed here.

I’m a Catholic and none of my religious leaders I personally know or any of my fellow worshippers has expressed the idea that converting everyone will destroy societal problems. Most of them do believe that converting the world to Christianity is a noble goal, that belief in Christ is rejuvenating and rewarding for the soul.

But a simple read of the bible will show how many of God’s most faithful servants (some of the apostles of Christ himself even) were flawed men, sinners both before and after accepting Christ. And there are many stories about the devout going through rough times.

Belief in God doesn’t make you a perfect person. If it did, then yeah converting would remove societal ills. But it doesn’t. If everyone followed the teachings of Christ perfectly, and followed God’s will perfectly, yeah there wouldn’t be any murder, theft, etc But even god’s most exalted followers from the bible sinned.

Interesting thread. I lived in one of the largest Tongan communities in the United States in Euless, TX. Cite They had several churches in the area.

My own experience:

They were some of the nicest and most generous people I’ve met. While we disagreed theologically, they were very welcoming people. Did Christianity solve their problems? Perhaps not. But, their faith helped them in a most unlikely place.