Christmas money - what do you do with it?

Half is spent on something I want and half goes into savings.

This thread reminds me that I still need to deposit the check one of my sisters sent. I’m thinking about using it to buy Dragon Age.

Like hookers and blow? :stuck_out_tongue:

Do they even make such a thing as sexy underwear for men? I mean, be honest, does anyone really want to see a man in a banana hammock/posing pouch?

I always want to spend it on something nice for myself, but I generally wind up using it for household expenses, or even to “pay off” stuff I bought other people for Christmas.

For example, my boss gave me $100, $50 of which covered the $50 I spent on his gift, and the remaining $50 of which I used to buy my mother’s present. My about-to-be-in-laws gave me $300, of which $160 just went to pay for new water heater pipes to replace the leaky copper ones.

I might use the rest to buy a bike on Craigslist. I’ve been wanting one for a while.

I actually did spend it on a prostitute once, (& probably some blow at various points in my (past) life), when I was much younger & dumber. The pathetic, hilarious thing was, I was so “aroused” I ended up “finishing” in my pants after a very minimal amount of contact:smack:, & spent the next 45 minutes chatting with the (actually very nice) lady.
Probably the easiest $500.00 she ever made, and no risk of STDs! I mean, I coulda just masturbated & kept the money or given it to charity. Ah, the magic of the season!
Ho Ho Ho! Well, lesson learned. Just one of those itches I had to scratch, I guess :smiley:

In all seriousness, whatever I get for Christmas money usually ends up just barely covering what I spend on gifts for other people, which seems kinda silly, but go figure!

I didn’t get any actual money this year but I did get a $50 Walmart gift card… I used it to buy groceries and dog food.

I depends. Any one gift under 50 dollars goes into my coffee fund (because I will not pay for it myself so it is a gift). Anything over that goes straight into savings.

I am really bad at saving up but depositing found money is so easy (and my relatives tend to be generous at this time of year. Thanks, grandma!).

Mine’s going to pay a couple of small bills, then the rest into savings account in preparation for buying a condo and moving in May. I’ll need to pay movers, plus I plan on some new furniture. My parents are awesome, my brother-in-law and I each got a G from them. I’m moving and he’s getting divorced!

You probably want to attach this money to your mum’s memory. Does your mum have any old jewelry you could have? If she did perhaps you could use the money toward redoing an old ring for a pair of ear rings or a chain or something like that.

Or what you might want to do, is take a photo of your mum (or mum and dad together, wedding photos are real nice for this) and have it professionally framed. There’s nothing as classy as a real wood professionally framed photo

Color me confused - your parents gave the guy who is about to get divorced from your sister $1000 for Christmas??

That would have been a really great idea if I hadn’t just bought the earrings today…

Yep. And cash for him so there’s no paper trail. She skipped town, left her husband and her son. We love those two guys, and good riddance to her. This isn’t the first time she’s pulled a stunt like this!

My mom gave us a nice check, and I’m going to get a bonus in January. We’re putting all that money together. My husband wants a laptop and I want a slab roller for my pottery studio. We’ll probably have to toss in a little of our own money, but we’ll both get our new toys next month.