Civil War Mythology [pigs eating battlefield dead]

Interesting you should say that. Here’s a news article from yesterday: Police: Dogs Fed on Owner’s Body

The dogs in question were pugs named Harry and Sally. I particularly like the photo in the article of Harry licking his lips…

Nope, solid omnivores. Can make it hard for archaeologists to determine if those few fossilized teeth are man or hog.

Mrs. Plant, World’s Greatest Dog Trainer, says:

They’re Pugs.
They do that.

All the effing time. Almost stole a pug who was insufficiently loved by his owners, except my kids and the kid next door made a public scene about bringing him home when he run off. Wife berated them for being so stupid/respectable/obvious. It’s our fault for raising our kids better than we were raised, but I liked that dog, probably better than his owners.

A friend of mine from a rural area used to say “We ain’t seen such excitement ‘round here since th’ hog ate baby sister!”

Didn’t hogs also attack and eat the wounded on an aircraft carrier in WW2? I have a dim recollection of reading that somewhere.

“Look! On the port side – speed boats full of pigs. I think they mean to board us, sir.”
“My God, man. We’ll all be eaten!”

IIRC, in the movie “Green Ice” a guy gets fed to a penned up herd of wild hogs. He was thrown in alive after being beaten to a pulp.

[Eddie Izzard]
Did they bring a flag?

Given time I’ll quit laughing at this.
