Close Encounters Of The Indiana Jones Kind

According to this article, the Aliens from Close Encounters Of The Third Kind will make a cameo appearance in Indiana Jones And The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull.

Spielberg and Lucas are always referencing their previous films in their films. Star Wars referenced THX-1138 (and IIRC it also had the little joke of an American Apollo astronaut and Soviet Cosmonaut in the bar scene). Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom had ‘Club Obi-Wan’.

Spoiler from the linked site:

[spoiler]To celebrate Close Encounters of the Third Kind’s 30th anniversary, Spielberg has gone into the storage warehouse and dusted off those rubber Extraterrestrial dummies for a cameo appearance in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. You are probably wishing that I made that up. But, no, I am not.


There are three of them, seated on thrones in The Kingdom (an Aztec structure that turns out to be a spaceship). And, guess what? They bare a striking resemblance to the little naked bald headed midgets that were seen running around at the end of Close Encounters of the Third Kind. They are indeed supposed to be the ascendants of the Extraterrestrials seen in that film. They are related. Though the film doesn’t come right out and say that. A lot of kids haven’t even seen Close Encounters. They aren’t going to get the joke.[/spoiler]
(I think he meant ‘bear a striking resemblance’.)

And I’m pretty sure the opposite of descendants is not “ascendants”

I can totally see the logic behind it though.

That clicked in my head, but didn’t make it to my fingers.