Coffee advice wanted!

I don’t drink coffee, but I make it for my wife and friends. At home we use a drip machine, out camping we use a percolator. I’ve never heard any comments suggesting that perked coffee is inferior.

I use a coffee scoop. I have no idea what it’s exact measure is, but it seems to be standard for coffee scoops. The formula is one slightly heaping scoop per two cups of coffee, plus some. The amount of “some” varies with how much is being made. For eight cups of coffee, it’s an additional slightly heaping scoop. For more or less coffee, I use a proportionate amount.

I have no idea what it tastes like, but my wife and friends have never complained.

In using a percolator, there are two items of technique to be learned. The first is adjusting the heat to get the right percolation rate. I’d say it’s about 2-4 perks (in the glass dome) per second. The second is knowing when to stop. One indicator is that the perking rate drops noticeably, the other is that it smells like coffee.