Colin Powell endorses Obama

Don’t they, though?

You can almost see the veins bulging in their head and neck in their posts. Po’ wittle Fweepers.

Yes, and no.

Powell was involved with a last ditched effort to remove several aspects of the draft presentation, which the Administration tried to put in there, but that he felt he could not support on their merits.

But even so, the final speech still contained content which was known to be wrong, obliquely parsed, or simply based on single intelligence cites sourced from dubious INC defectors, which would not ordinarily be allowed to pass as corroborated intelligence.

So, despite him being involved in some of the back-and-forth about Administration speeches and media leaks, which were laced with politicised claims from the OSP, then edited out, then edited back in, Powell, in the end, went along with dubious claims.

How harsh we should judge this is open to debate. It’s worth remembering, in this context, that Powell was in the middle of an ongoing struggle with Cheney’s faction, who wanted to bypass the UN completely. So his going to the UN was inherently a compromised position; He was being used by the hardliners to put a more credible face on the Administration’s claims, whilst at the same time, he felt an incentive to be involved by keeping the Administration at least engaged, and helping to build a harder tone at the UN against Iraq.

The specifics of what was known to be wrong and what was just weak and later disproved vary between the individual claims. Two of the prominent issues, given their centrality to the war case, were his claims about the alleged link between Iraq and al Qaeda, and his depiction of Iraq seeking aluminium tubes being suitable for centrifuge. The former was never believed by intelligence agencies as being any substantive connection, and the latter is probably the clearest case of a flat lie, given the IAEA’s and the intelligence community’s pre-existing knowledge about this matter. He definitely tried to paper over this with double talk about divided expert opinion and a claim about their high tolerances being suspicious.

I’m not sure how much he personally knew about the veracity of some of the other claims, like the so-called training camps, the mobile labs, and hundreds of tons of agents, which were subsequently disproved. As a military person, he would have known that much of Iraq’s previous arsenal of such weapons were either destroyed, buried or unusable.

Looking at Hans Blix’s response, and the lack of change in the Security Council, certainly indicates the case was not made successfully.

Howard Dean’s assessment at the time, for which he was pilloried, was also correct.

Did the posters in FR cry racism when it was directed at Obama with the food stamp thing and the guy with the monkey doll? I don’t know, but i’m willing to bet no. They’re a bunch of whiney clueless idiots, and I’ll say racist in some ways for sure.

I don’t really care too much for their bleating, but I can’t wait to hear the McCain spin on Powell.

A little spin. Not too much… Entire article linked here

Pardon me, I have to get some mustard for my hat.

And I think I owe Shayna an apology.

As a guy in the middle, I’ve got to say that that was about as good a speech as I could ever hope for. I hope that it gives the right a kick in the pants.

I think the biggest impact of Powell’s endorsement will be the “oh fuck” factor.

I can see some moderate Republicans who are not wild about McCain now finally starting to see the writing on the wall. Will those Republicans jump ship and go to Obama? No.

But some might now decide simply to sit out this election and let the chips fall where they may. In other words, this might be the sign to start admitting that Obama might actually win.

Denial is a pretty big hurdle for many people to jump, but reassuring comments about Obama, by someone big in their party they trust, might just make it easier to accept if, and when, it happens.

For instance, if the tables were reversed and somebody like Al Gore had come out today and supported McCain, it would be a bitter pill to swallow, but it would make me feel somewhat better knowing someone I respect feels it is not the end of the world.

Good man.

This will set the tone for the week. And if Obama is as smart as he has shown for the last 18months, he’ll release something just as devastating to McCain’s campaign again next Sunday. I wonder what Obama’s 3rd book will be?

“We, the People” …just a thought.

The repubs can not attack Powell very well. He did what they asked him to. He stuck his neck out for the admin when I am sure he knew better. They cut it off. There were a lot of sources that were telling any one who would listen that Bush and the neocons were lying about Sadaam. He must have heard them. He was a good soldier for them.

…and they threw him under the bus as a thank-you gift. Not to excuse Powell, but at least he had a sense of honor. Too bad his responsibility to the country didn’t override his duty to his boss.

I find it a distrubing trend. Clinton, Gore and Kerry each got about 90% of the black vote. Obama is getting nearly all of it. What is shows is that a black person will vote for a black person regardless.

The real question is would Powell have endorsed Hillary? No, would he endorsed Edwards? No, if Obama wasn’t 1/2 black would he endorse him? I really doubt it.

IF and IF it were true that Powell had no reason to endorse McCain than he simply would’ve said “I’m not making an endorsement.”

So you see this truly says something. In this country a white person voting for a McCain because he’s white is racist, but a black person voting for Obama because he’s black is NOT a racist.

Even if it weren’t true, that is still the message that is getting sent.

By whom is this message being sent? Obama isn’t getting 100 percent of the black vote. He’s doing a bit better than Kerry and Gore did, so doesn’t that show that most black voters agree with the policies of the Democratic party?

Do you want to know what this post of yours shows me about you?

I can’t speak for all black people becuase I don’t know them all (and I have some doubt about your ‘numbers’), but when asked, Powell spoke quite elegantly and reasonably for about 10 minutes about our current situation, what he liked and disliked about both candidates, and where he saw them headig in the future, before stating his preference for Obama.

His reasons included nothing to do with ‘blackness’, as he explained quite clearly.

Maybe you should watch his explanation, come back, and bring pie.

Because, of course, Clinton, Gore, and Kerry were all secretly black?

I guess my willingness to cut Powell some slack is because I feel Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz are capable of nearly anything to get their way regarding the Iraq invasion. It isn’t much of a leap for me to think they would do anything they needed to get someone like Powell to make their argument for them, including misleading him or doctoring the intelligence he was shown. The fact that he trusted them seriously altered my opinion of him and his judgement. I just have a hard time buying that he would put himself in a position where he would repeat something he knew at the time was blatantly false. I don’t view him as innocent in the actions of this administration, so I think our disagreement is more one of degrees than anything else.

Well, they all certainly pass the paper bag test…

Only to really, really ignorant and unthinking people. If such people will ignore what Powell said and randomly attribute racist motives based on nothing but their own prejudice, well, those people are too petty to consider voting for a black man anyway.