Colorado's "medical refugees"

Ever had a seizure?

Just curious, have you tried cannabis to control yours?

Note: I’m not saying marijauna is a miracle cure, or that it shouldn’t be regulated as any other medicine, or substance, like alcohol. And yes, I think the FDA should be working on this.

I honestly cannot condemn a desparate parent for seeking something to help one’s child with a debilitating illness, ESPECIALLY if you have never experienced anything like this. If you’re against it because you fear there are dangerous side effects, or it might harm the child, that’s one thing. But simply saying, “but they’re breaking the LAW!” is disgusting.

Walk a mile in their shoes. I can’t imagine what that family is going through.

As far as I know, states cannot pass laws that contravene federal law, but they also can’t be compelled to enforce federal law or pass any particular law favored by the federal government.

Of course, there is a legal limbo where the Feds might get you for something that the state wouldn’t. You’re right about that. But it’s not any more a Constitutional issue than than the fact that Colorado won’t go after you for selling nuclear secrets to the Commies. If the feds decide sparking up a joint is that big a deal, then let them enforce it.

No. But I’m finding Smapti’s argument fairly cold – rather than worrying about chasing phony “alternative medicine”, he seems more concerned about the fact that “someone’s breaking the law!”

I’ve heard arguments from both sides – some people have said to be helped by marijuana, while some have found it made their seizures worse. It’s worth being examined by the FDA. But the whole, “IT’S UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!” is not the issue. The Constitution has jackshit to do with this.

I totally agree. As I said, I was just curious.

Fair enough. I’m fortunate that mine can be controlled by meds. The case mentioned in the OP is a rarer, much more severe form. (Wouldn’t she be eligible for surgery?)

And yes, I remember our good friend JKander. That was an, um, “interesting” thread.

Honestly the most urgent reason the Feds need to legalize is so that nobody has to pay a hundred bucks to an MLM scamster to find out that industrial hemp byproducts have maybe a 10% of helping their child get better. That’s really what galls me about this whole CBD deal. Some very shady people are lining their pockets just because of the synergy of desperation and bad law.

Smapti has a long, long history of putting compliance with the letter of the law above all other considerations, including basic humanity.

Exactly. I can totally understand why desperate parents might try something like that, and am not at all faulting them for that.

But… I think the Federal government needs to lighten up and allow the FDA to evaluate things like this independent of any 1930s-era drug laws, for the same reason HMS Irruncible mentions- so that it cuts down on hucksters and scammers selling pot resin “medicines” that don’t really do much good, except for their own wallets.