Coloring of Cat Paws

My mother used to have a long-haired tortie who had a blaze of orange on her face. Her nose was black, but the side where the blaze sat was speckled with orange. Her paw pads were equally mottled according to fur colour.

Of my boys, Riley the orange tabby has lovely pale pink leather, and Slim the grey beastie has a dark rose nose and black paw pads.

My black cat has black toes and nose (as you’d expect), but very white skin in general.

Is this purely a Bengal thing? My cat has longer hind legs, but as mentioned is entirely black.

Oh, my, no. All Bengals have that trait, but so do a host of other cats (many of which Og only knows what their ancestry was).

Bengals are bred from the Asian Leopard Cat, a small wildcat in India and Burma, which has that sort of configuration.

Our cats are only five generations away from the Leopard Cat. As these are native to India, we named ours Zubin and Mehta. :smiley:

My kitten has brown paw pads but a black nose. She’s a tabby, greys and white.

She has the longer rear legs too, though she’s not a Bengal - her coat’s too long for that. Actually I don’t know what her “breed” is, I adopted her from out of a tree where she’d been abandoned.

My blue cats toe pads are the color of red grapes! Its awesome.

Hind legs longer than front legs is actually the ancestral state in cats - you can still see that in photos of their wild cousins as with here, here or here. In fact it is pretty ubiquitous among felids generally, maybe even universal ( I’d have to check ). It is a perfect design for an ambush predator, allowing for rapid springing and leaping, but even sprinters like cheetahs are built that way ( though with multiple adaptations to increase foreleg stride ), for those explosive takeoffs.

But domestic cats have experienced a shortening of limb length generally as a result of millenia of domestication. The effect isn’t large, but it’s there. A Bengal, being much closer to a wild felid phenotype, probably just expresses that ancestral condition a little more obviously than in a lot of domestic cats.

Thanks (and thanks also Tamerlane).

I don’t actually know the parentage of my black cat (he was abandoned). But we think there might have some Siamese or oriental - he has that kind of shape.