Colt 45 Blast: Holy shit!!!

i literally shit blue after i drank one of those on an empty stomach. it was like a i shit after eating a smurf. pretty rad


The problem with Four Loko is that it had lots of caffeine along with a high alcohol content. It was known as “blackout-in-a-can.” Caffeine and alcohol have disastrous results - meaning that people would not remember what they did after downing a can of that nasty brew.

It tasted like an energy drink so people wouldn’t notice the alcohol. People would also drink it too fast.

How can it be electric blue smurf cum without a head?

And George Carlin said there was no blue food.

Uh, no, I’d suggest that the resemblance to Smurf cum counts as a weakness.

If I ever need to puke or have a hangover I’ll re-visit this thread! :slight_smile:

Kidding, but reading here reminds me of the days in school when we used to drink Old Milwaukee by opening both ends of the can so it would go down quicker and we’d get more of a buzz. I know that has a name, but I forgot what it was. Anyone?




(Sequence of classic NewsRadio clips)

Is anyone over 25 actually interested in getting drunk as quickly as possible? Yeah, ok, I did the typical college things, but since then, the urge to get blasted ASAP just isn’t there.

Yes. Next question?

That sounds right, dropzone.



I always wondered who drank this stuff. I had somebody give me a can of this at a barbecue a few weeks ago. I drink about two swigs and just couldn’t drink any more. Tasted like ass. So I passed it to my SO, who is far less picky about her alcohols. She also had two swigs and passed it on. Eventually, it found itself being poured down the drain. Wow this stuff is awful. Worse than what I remember Zima being.

Always happy to help. I read part of your blog and recognize that “faking it” can be important. It’s what friends are for.

Actually, the dangerous effect of mixing alcohol and caffeine is the caffeine counteracts the drowsiness aspect that typically goes along with drunkeness; thereby allowing the drinker to continue drinking well past the point that they would be passed out under normal circumstances.

If you never had a Loko then I would suggest this over it. Me personally, I drank Lokos all last summer and I… actually I want one after reading this thread… I was going to say I’m sick of them… Anyway, Colt 45 Blast works if you have lots of young kids and are sick of, say Camos. Does pack a nice cheap punch for those I need something now and cheap moments. Plus blue smurf cum and all that