Comic book heroes (and superheroes) who have died and gotten better.

More from DC:

Ted Knight (Golden Age Starman)
Morpheus (Sandman)
Sue Dibny (so far, anyway)

Ted Knight? Wasn’t aware he was dead. When did it happen?

Just call me Invisible Kid.

Thunderbird, from the X-men, is probably still dead.

Maybe I’ll put together a big superhero mortuary webpage sometime.

Of courser, I haven’t updated my personal website in 3+ months, so how likely is it that I’ll do a new one?

Incidentally, Art Vandelay : Has Prof. X kicked off, other than that time it was the shapechanger pretending to be him? Because that one wouldn’t count.

Toward the end of James Robinson’s *Starman * series, in 2001 or so. It’s a good, heroic exit for Ted. I cried when I read it. Pretty major spoiler for the series, which is my favorite series ever and you should read it right now, spoiled or not.


Starman # 72.

Thanks, cmkeller, I didn’t have the issue number handy.

Totally agree with the above posters. Starman is my favorite series ever as well, and there are several beautiful, sad moments that are enough to make you cry. Ted’s heroic death in #72, the funeral that followed in #73, Jack’s talk with Superman in #75, and the final issue, #80, are all cry-worthy moments.

Deathstroke died after a huge fight of a heart attack, only to be brought back to life by the people he was fighting. It’s been a while since I read that so I don’t remember the whole story, other than they were trying to get him to work for them or something.

Has Batman ever died? I have an old Detective where he pretends to be dead to lure out a gang, and then of course surpises them at the end.

In the Kraven Saga, Spider-man appears to be dead, he’s buried and everything. Of course he wasn’t and he comes back. Kraven died shortly thereafter (by his own hand), and I really wish they’d kept him dead, the story has more impact that way.

On that note (and he even references Kraven when he does it) Mysterio (is that the right name) died in Daredevil. I don’t recall him coming back - although since he is a master special effects artist there is a way to bring him back right there.

I just read a graphic novel my brother has that essentially has Thanos destroy the entire Marvel universe, save Adam Warlock and that little girl he babysits. It had to do with an ancient alien power and a crazy pharaoh that returned to Earth. Of course, since in the book, Thanos gained this ultimate alien power to do anything, he just brought everything back. But not quite the way it was, cause there was some weird excuse about how superheros dying and coming back to life perverted the order of the universe, so when he remade the universe, he decread that if someone dies, they are DEAD. I think this was the kickoff for Marvel’s ‘Ultimate’ series, but I could be wrong. And, since some people might say the ultimate versions are better than previous ones, you could say the entire Marvel universe benefited from dying and coming back. Talk about hitting the reset button, and it seemed much simplier than ‘Crisis on Infinite Earths.’

Bouv That would be The End. I don’t have all the issues, but I believe your mistaken about some things. The universe did end and start over. But this is not how the Ultimate universe began. The regular Marvel universe is still around.

Prof. X was brutally clubbed by an anti-mutant mob in Uncanny X-Men #193, which led to prolonged internal injuries that caused him to croak in #200. Of course, Lilindra Ex Machina, er Lilindra Majestrix, sensed his suffering from uncountable light years across the universe due to their psychic rapport, teleported to Earth, and teleported out again with Prof. X. She then took her dead love to the same Starjammer doctor that nursed Colossus back from beyond the brink in UX # 156. Prof. X then spent several years in the Shi’ar galaxy, leaving the school in care of a temporarily rehabilitated Magneto (BIG mistake!)

Having been cut off from comic books for the past three years (moving to Japan has its downsides…), could someone be so kind as to explain to me how/why Jean Grey is dead again?


This thread should have a major spoiler warning in the title.

Anyway, Jean died most recently because Magneto basically flooded her with a Magnetic Pulse. Of course, she may have actually died just a few hours before that and then come right back when Wolverine killed her and then jumped into the sun with her body. Why she could quickly come back from being stabbed through the heart and then vaporized by the heat of the sun, and yet not be able to come back from a single blast of magnetism that she actually survived for a bit afterwards… I can’t rightly tell ya.