Commercials that make you want to hurl...?

Schwab is now mocking that commercial. I love that. They’ll take E trade’s commercial and make it their own.

She’s definitely drinking from his mouth. The water fountain is right next to him while he’s sitting there. Then she goes back to shut the ‘nozzle’ off.

You beat me to it. It’s so gross, I couldn’t even begin to tell you what the product is.

Mentos gum. Which I will never ever buy, just because of this commercial. The first time I saw it, I urped a little bit in my mouth.

They’ve toned it down recently, though; now the gurgling slurping sounds of the woman drinking are gone, and they’ve changed the tagline to imply that she was irresistably compelled to french-kiss the guy thanks to his minty fresh breath. Doesn’t help; I still remember the original concept, and it still grosses me out.

I’m thankful that I had my back to the TV today when this commercial came on, so I only heard it, and I don’t care to think about the visual. It was for a yeast infection medication that one can use during the day, because it has “very little leakage.”

Now I’m female, and a mother of 3, so not terribly squeamish, but bleah! That was far more than I wanted to think about this afternoon while I was folding laundry.

Not quite hurl, but after hearing this I’m not sure I ever want to eat corn nuts again.

I LOVED those commercials, because I was familiar with the Spongmonkeys before Quizno’s used them. I practically cracked ribs laughing at those, but they didn’t last long.

Spongmonkeys…for those who aren’t in the loop.

What I liked was another Quizno’s ad in the “Were you raised by wolves?” campaign. The guy who is asked the question goes off into a dream-like reverie where he remembers nursing at the mother wolf with all of his fellow wolf-cubs. I only saw that one once, and then they must have pulled it.

Quizno’s used to have some pretty cool people on their advertising staff, but they’ve evidently downgraded to less noticeable (but more mass-marketly palatable) employees.

Shame, really…

While this Australian beer ad doesn’t have that effect on me, I understand it does for others.